
Academic Dishonesty: Student Integrity

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Student ethics in the digital age is described as the conduct as a student have to achieve in the school environment. Research on this topic exceeds more than less of what the pressures are to be a student in the time period where smartphones are available or in reach for students to access test and homework answers using academic dishonesty to make a remarkable grade in the classroom. The issue of digital ag cheating has been approached in many ways, however reasoning of pressures and time management have become difficult factors or conditions for some students in highschool and college.
Pressures of school are led on by more items for students. “ academic cheating is caused by many reasons: parental pressures, teacher pressure, and poor time management”(Sarita 793). academic cheating is far more greater than the student. Parent and teacher pressure can influence even more than the students time management, most students are academic athletes leading to the pressure to keep the academics up and the skills needed for a sport. Time management is already an issue for student athletes with included parent and teacher stress. Even though academic cheating is looked down upon most students including student athletes have an idea that …show more content…

Concluding with the reality that academic dishonesty does happen and has worsened over the years that technology has improved in the 21st century. As humans with the conscious that “everyone makes mistakes” is immensely provoked to be made to seem that it is adequately there for all humans to be that way, the work world is simply different than what is assumed. Cheating of the digital age has immensely occurred as a topic in school environments requiring academic success accompanied by poor time management or peer

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