What Are Teachers Accountability?

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The educational system includes in its content the entirety of educational institutions, which aim at realizing the education of the new generation of a country. It occupies its important part in the superstructure of society as such directly reflects the level of development of production forces and production relations. It states the foundation of the state 's educational policy, the traditions and features of the national culture as well as the tendency toward scientific progress and social emancipation.
Education represents a typical social and individual dimension, because the healthy development of each individual 's abilities, from which the ability of him / her to understand the world is derived, to be independent and critical of the …show more content…

Fitz (2003 have explored the negative impact of narrowly understood teachers’ accountability. “The role of teachers as implementers of a strictly defined curriculum rather than professionals ‘devising instructional and assessment programs suited to the needs and capabilities of actual students in class’ has led to teachers being seen as some kind of knowledge proletariat. ‘At the same time, a series of performance indicators in the form of examination league tables, school inspection reports, and targets measure their relative outputs and render them both more visible and more accountable to government and parents. (cited by Claire Duchemin and Inga Pavlovaite, 2013)
In this context it is teacher responsibility to support the teaching profession to develop deeper, more meaningful ways of engaging with diversity in educational settings, so they go on to refer to this as being a way of ‘contributing to a more humane, equitable, socially just and democratic society.
So, the role of teacher in society is extremely important in any society and there are a number of reasons and their role in society is both significant and valuable.
 the youth of society educated by teachers are the people who in the future will become the leaders of the next generation of people and responsible citizens of their …show more content…

There is a need to create opportunities for teacher reflection on sensitive issues of reconciliation, values and identities. Teacher education should explicitly focus on the moral role of teachers and how they are exemplified in teacher thinking and conduct. In particular, values and principles promoted in the ratified international conventions and national legislation, and ways of promoting these values in practice with pupils, should be integral and explicit in pre-service and in-service teacher development

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