Acrylic Nails Essay

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Acrylic Nails

There is nothing more attractive on a person that completes your look than a good set of Acrylic Nails. If done correctly can add a look of extreme class and sexiness while being attractive and clean looking. In an office setting they can look professional and at night they can look sleek and fun. Nothing is as versatile as your Acrylic Nails and are well worth the money that women spend on them every week. While trying to keep up with the fashion world, cosmetic companies were experimenting and inventing a lot of make up and at this time the Acrylic Nail was discovered. And women all over the world started to take notice.

These nails can be glued to your nails and come in different shapes and colors. Some even put Rhinestones on them to make different designs. Some use glitter on them and some use different color tips and …show more content…

He succeeded in creating an artificial nail that launched a completely new chapter in the beauty industry that spread around the world, revolutionizing the way artificial nails were produced and worn.

The state of a woman’s nails act much like a calling card. Nails are perceived as a reflection of her nature. Wearers can be seen as individuals who are fun, flirty, professional or sophisticated, wealthy or poor. It’s this tendency that has led to even women of limited means to indulge themselves with acrylic nails. They’re not just a luxury, they’re an investment and a modern necessity within the job market.

The use of bone and pistachio hulls has long passed and modern women have access to the most advanced acrylic nail technology available. Anyone can have long, lovely, sexy nails at a reasonable cost. What hasn’t changed throughout the decades is a woman’s desire to be viewed as feminine and alluring. Acrylic nails can accomplish. Comely hands are as easy as making an appointment at the nearest