Advantage And Disadvantages Of Online Shopping

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2.1.1 Price:
Due to number of benefits the trend of online shopping has grown tremendously. The main reason is the flexibility available because of online shopping where the customer is able to find required information as well as make purchase anytime and anywhere which the easier and safe methods of payments. Another benefit is the cost benefit and this comes in because online products are perceived to be a lot cheaper than physical store products (Forsythe, et al. 2006). For example EBay and Amazon, offer customers auction or best offer option, so they can make a good deal for their product. According to (Prasad und Aryasri 2009) online shopping also makes shopping a real game of chance and treasure hunt and makes shopping a fun and entertainment. …show more content…

They have mentioned three variables affecting the purchasing behaviour of customers. Those variables or factors are the accessibility features of shopping sites, price of the product and the type and characteristic of the product. The main explanation of the study is that the accessibility and convenience of the shopping sites are the component which creates the intention in consumers to purchase online or not. If the consumers found any difficulties when purchasing online then they will simply switch to the offline shopping or visiting different retailer’s stores. On the same way, if the customers have trouble buying offline then they will simply switch to online shopping. Finally relating both the medium of shopping, their study find out that the most of the customers found online shopping more convenient and satisfying, which motivates them to shop online rather than bothering of visiting different retailer …show more content…

The population of senior who are more literate, more knowledgeable and who are aware of technology and those who have positive attitude or thinking about online shopping and internet are more focused on online shopping (Iyer und Eastman 2014). On the other hand, the population of senior who are illiterate do not have more information about internet and the shopping sites and who do not have any positive thinking about the online shopping are less involved in online shopping. These categories of people prefer to shop offline because they believe only in tangible product which they can feel, test or try. The people having knowledge about the online shopping and the shopping sites are mostly involved in both kind of shopping. They are using it as a method of price comparison before purchasing any goods. Thus, having information about the online shopping sites can be an advantage for the

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