Advantage Of Mobile Commerce

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The rapid and constant growth of the Internet and especially the World Wide Web brought numerous valuable applications to private homes and, among them, business-to-consumer commerce. The private consumer suddenly has the ability to browse and buy all the goods across all borders but is still bound to his computer at home, in any case to be able to browse and buy the sellers across all borders at any time and anywhere appears to be Mobile commerce Is a natural step, but many issues need to be solved before it can be part of the private consumer's daily life. First, mobile commerce needs to be better understood in order to discover all its potential. Indeed, mobile commerce is more than the wireless extension of the Internet e-commerce. Second, …show more content…

5 Anckar / D’Incau, 2002, p. 3 Buse, 2002,p. 93]: 1. Context-specific services: Mobile Commerce makes it possible to offer location based services, which are specific to a given context (e.g. time of the day, location and the interests of the user). Such services offer new opportunities for personalised push-marketing in close proximity to the vendor thereby increasing the probability of sales. It enhances brand presence and thus encourages consumers to remain loyal to brands they are acquainted with. 2. Time-critical situations: The ubiquity and immediacy of Mobile Commerce allows the user to perform urgent tasks in an efficient manner, e.g. fast reaction to stock market developments irrespective of his current geographic location. It is also useful in emergency situations. 3. Spontaneous decisions and needs: Spontaneous needs are not externally triggered and generally involve decisions that do not require a very careful consideration, e.g. purchase decisions involving small amounts of money. An example of such a service would be reserving a place in a restaurant or cinema

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