Advantages And Disadvantages Of Camera Proceedings

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In camera: it is a Latin term which in literal sense means “in chambers” i.e. within the judicial chamber or judge’s courtroom. Proceedings which are done within the chamber of a judge in order to create privacy of the matter being involved is known as Incamera proceedings. According to Black’s Law dictionary incamera proceedings implies “In chambers; in private. A cause is said to be heard in camera either when the hearing is had before the judge in his private room or when all spectators are excluded from the court-room” . Also according to the legal dictionary in camera proceedings means “confidential, out of public view.”
Previously, it was allowed to all spectators to come, hear and watch the court proceedings going on. But things changed after the amendment being made in year 1976 which brought out the concept of in camera proceedings.
In Naresh vs State of Maharashtra, Judge made a statement that “Long ago Plato observed in his laws that the citizen should attend and listen attentively to the trials. Hegel in his Philosophy of Right maintained that judicial proceedings must be public since the aim of the Court is justice, which is a universal belonging to all, save in exceptional cases, the proceedings of a Court of justice should be …show more content…

For victims, they will be able to tell all their grievances to the court as they will not have any fear of society, also by this they can get better legal assistance. For accused, it will help him in the process of rehabilitation, as society will accept him after he has been released, as incamera proceedings does not tell the society that “how he did the crime”. Take the recent example, juvenile being accused in Delhi rape case, if that has been done incamera proceedings has he might have not faced this much aggression from the society, even his village in which he was residing is not accepting him. So, incamera proceeding help in

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