Advantages And Disadvantages Of Caste

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A Caste has 4 divisions, but out of the four divisions there are several sub castes. However, there is one division that is out of the caste system, known as the Dalits. The main divisions are the Priests known as Brahmins, Warriors or Rulers known as Kshatriyas, Skilled Workers or Traders known as Vaishyas, Unskilled Workers known as Shudras, and the Outcastes, which are excluded of the system, known as Dalits. By creating these divisions in society it sets up the situation of discrimination based on caste. And that discrimination is a highly sensitive issue in India. Caste based discrimination in India overall has been around for thousands of years and according to International Dalit Solidarity Network it has affected around 260 million people. And many know for a fact that this needs to come to an end, including the Dalits. Dalits know this needs to stop but are not capable of changing the situation because they belong to the group that is impacted. Therefore it is difficult to get their voice heard. This is why it is more important for the government to step in and lead the change through policy changes as opposed to only relying on social changes. These policy changes should include improved enforcement of existing laws, creation of new laws to ensure equality, and policies that enforce equal treatment in the educational system.

There are many laws in place meant to protect dalits, however they go unenforced. Article 46 of the Indian Constitution states that “The

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