Pleasant Bluffs: Launching A Home-Base Hospital Program While analyzing the case on Pleasants Bluffs, the main problem is how will they come up with a proposal for the pilot program for Pleasant Bluffs home-base hospital care and how to manage it. According to the case, it stated that Graff Salot, the director of Performance Improvement (PI), at Pleasant Bluffs Health System, is tasked with making these changes. (Erskine,2016) Therefore some potential solution might be to complete this task, he must first hired more people for administrative, and clinical. By doing this, will help to better manage the PI department and patients.
The Accountable Care Organizations are a coordinated effort between healthcare providers to ensure the best quality of care delivered to the patients and at the same time at a reduced cost. This means that health care providers will voluntarily come together to form the ACO and patients will be able to get treated by any provider in the organization. Apart from that, it will reward the providers for delivering quality care. Even though the ACOs is comparatively a new concept, but its certain concepts and features are closely related to early managed care organizations (Barnes et al.,2014). Both MCOs and ACOs rely on the creation of physician network, promotion of member health and resource management to control costs.
Mednax is an independent group practice in the United States specializing in the delivery of neonatal, pediatric subspecialty, and anesthesia services across the country. As one of the largest accountable care organizations of its kind, the company benefits from geographic and economic scale, enabling it to spread out administrative costs across a wide network of practice locations. Its increasing scale gives it strong negotiating leverage with hospitals, especially as the company 's intangible assets the high degree of specialization of its physician workforce are in high demand and difficult to replicate (Wisner, 2016). A network effect appears to be at play, both in the company 's widening practice base and through its own proprietary
For the healthcare system of the United States to be successful, there should be a positive relationship between the physicians and the hospitals who can be both competitors and collaborators. It is the role of physicians to make major decisions such as performing procedures, admitting patients and the use of supplies such as pharmaceuticals within the hospital. The concept of hospital-physician alignments has existed since the early 1990’s. Since that time, healthcare systems and many hospitals have shifted to different models of physical alignment. From this, hospitals hope to attain better financing, security and to capture the market share.
There were two types of integration that shape the hospitals; horizontal and vertical. Horizontal integration, which is a multihospital system, grew in 1980, allowing hospitals to merge together under the same organization group to reduce cost and purchase supplies at a discount to raise capital less expensively on the securities market. However, the demand from managed care organizations and other large purchasers of health care wanting more continuous care slowed the horizontal integration. The vertical integration operated with a variety of health care businesses which address toward the population’s health care needs. The system was a more complete continuum of services from prenatal to end of life care.
Conflict and Change Management: Ch.14 & 19 The article being discussed is “Interprofessional collaborative practice and relational coordination: Improving healthcare through relationships” by Jody Hoffer Gittell, Marjorie Godfrey, and Jill Thistlethwaite. The article focuses on interprofessional collaborative practice (IPCP) and relational coordination (relational coordination) and discusses the commonalities between the two when it comes to the “provision of the best possible care through optimal communication between all participants involved in that care including professionals and support staff as well as patients and their families” (Thistlethwaite, 2014). Relational coordination is defined as a process that reinforces relational coordination
A patient is going to have a different idea of how a health care should be managed. This in contrast to the way a physician may think the administration should be managed. Furthermore, each different stakeholder involved would have their own ideal reasons to why the health care administration
Additionally, proponents argue that hospital consolidation can enhance access to services, particularly in rural or underserved areas. Larger, integrated health systems may have the resources to maintain and expand service lines, invest in new technologies, and ensure the availability of specialized care that smaller, standalone facilities may struggle to provide (Gaynor & Town, 2012). This could be especially beneficial for patients living in communities with limited healthcare options. Furthermore, some research suggests that hospital consolidation may lead to quality improvements in certain areas. A study by Cuellar and Gertler (2005) found that mergers between hospitals with different clinical specialties resulted in better outcomes for patients with conditions like heart attacks and pneumonia.
Managed Care according to Peter R. Kogstvedt, author of Essentials of Managed Health Care is, “A generic term applied to a managed care plan…out to encompass plans that do not conform exactly to the strict definition of an HMO…such as a PPO, EPO, CDHIP, IDS, or even an OWA.” (Kongstvedt MD, 2013, p. 657) While managed care has changed the way, many Americans are able to pay for their health care, providers of health care, such as Physicians, Nurse practitioners, Physicians Assistants are continually facing dilemmas and challenges on the best way to take care of their patients in a managed care environment. Within this paper we are going to look at specific challenges that providers are facing when dealing with managed care organizations. We
We can pinpoint places where changes can be made by comprehending the underlying issues, such as higher patient numbers, staff shortages, and resource limitations. A multidisciplinary strategy will be used to achieve this goal, combining components of operations research, data analysis, and healthcare management. Utilising both quantitative and qualitative research techniques, we will gather and assess information from a variety of sources, such as medical records, patient surveys, and professional interviews.
The goal is to improve the health and safety of patient while also providing care in a cost-effective manner to improve the outcome for both the patient and the health care system at large. According to Melyn and Fineout-overholt(2005)Evidence-based practice should be a problem-solving approach to clinical practice that integrates a systematic search for critical appraisal of the most relevant evidence to answer a burning clinical question.
Although some physicians hesitated at the idea of physician getting report cards, I believe that tracking physician performance is a good idea. Data shows that hospitals using this type of evaluation tracking system are seeing better patient outcomes with less readmissions, complications and mortality directly related to better standard of patient care that the doctors are delivering. Physicians that are not measure up to standards are given the opportunities to improve through continuation courses or better acceptance of the hospital’s risk assessment procedures. MemorialCare is a measurement program that hospitals everywhere in the United States are using to alter the way physicians practice by scrutinizing their development toward goals, but no every physician
According to the Camden Group, “ Clinical integration refers to the coordination of care across a continuum of services, including preventive, outpatient, inpatient acute hospital
Previously, majority of healthcare systems were driven by other goals such as ensuring enhanced care access, containing the costs of healthcare delivery, and promoting patient convenience/customer service in a bid to improve the efficiency and quality of healthcare. However, the financial collapse had far-reaching consequences for the healthcare systems as it
The importance of accountability in the health care industry Accountability