Advantages And Disadvantages Of Robots Or Robots

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• Low availability: There are certain low skilled jobs where labour is not available, for various reasons. For eg: maids for doing housework are extremely expensive in advanced economies and are slowly disappearing even in the developing economies. A robot or AI would be ex-tremely useful and needed for such jobs.

• Specialised jobs: There are few highly skilled jobs which require years of education and training before they can be productively deployed. For eg: Doctors are re-quired in large numbers. But due to the difficulty in get-ting admissions, long years of study and high cost, the number of students entering medical profession is on the decline. Deploying AI for such high skilled jobs will supplement the existing doctors as well as ensure that we do not face a future where doctors are not available.

• Dangerous jobs: AI are an extremely apt solution for jobs where there is a high chance of injury or death such as Mining, sewer cleaning, scavenging, etc. While it will also result in loss of jobs, personal security is primary.

Similarly, each sector should be analysed on case by case basis to decide where robots or AI should be allowed. AI or robots should be specifically banned from sectors which provide employment to large number of low skilled, low paying jobs. While these are easy “fruits” to be picked, they will have large social costs, as mentioned above.

Governance: The institutions, processes and organisations involved in the governance of AI are still in

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