Advantages And Disadvantages Of Semiochemicals

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Semiochemicals are organic molecules that transmit chemical messages within the same or different species of animals and plants. There are multiple distinctions within semiochemicals such as pheromones, kairomones and allomones. Pheromones are chemicals that have an effect on the receptors within similar species of the producer, and they tend to be highly volatile compounds (Zumdahl, 1989). There are different types of pheromones according to the response they stimulate on the receiving party, as shown in figure 1. Volatile pheromones are represented as either sex or defensive pheromones and they usually produce a specific odor (Regnier and Law, 1968). The sex pheromone is usually produced by females which ultimately results in the attraction of males which leads to mating. Sex pheromone focuses on attracting the opposite sex and transmitting information regarding their species, age and sex; therefore sex pheromones play a role in reproduction (Regnier and Law, 1968). On the other end of the spectrum, alarm pheromones are highly unstable compounds that are released upon encountering danger, and they are also used for alerting others of any threats, making them vital for survival (Landolt et al., 1999; Post et al., 1984). In particular, this essay will focus on the formation, uses, application, and the advantages and disadvantages of the sex and alarm pheromones regarding animal behavior. Figure 1: Semiochemicals with its types branching out which are pheromones, allomones

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