Pros And Cons: The Two Forms Of Print Media

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Aglugub, Ducusin, Remperas The two forms of media were already presented. This portion of the research shall highlight which form is preferable. Despite the advantages brought by print media, the researchers still withstand to it because of its downsides. First, news provided through print media is more detailed. More details mean more reading. Nowadays, the public is not quite inclined to reading because it takes their time up. They prefer seeing and/or hearing the news and instantly understanding it as simple as one-two-three. Furthermore, not everyone is given the privilege to be literate. The ability to read is fundamental when it comes to acquiring information through print media. Berger(2010) asserted that “print media is searching…mainly …show more content…

Another thing is that print media may sometimes be considered as old information in ways when it is accessed by the audience not at the time when the news is produced. Because of this, online content and broadcast media is where most people nowadays rely on the latest news development. Finally, print media have evolved into a more accessible platform through the Internet. It is true that through the internet, news has become more accessible, quick and fresh; however, not everything in the internet is valid. McKnight, Kacmar and Michigan State University(2006) stated in their study that "unless consumers believe the website's information is credible, they are not likely to be willing to act on the advice." Although the internet contains every information the public may need, its credibility is not guaranteed. Some sites that provide information may be subjective rather than objective; others give out unverified and invalidated information and make it appear like it's the opposite just like many of the articles that went and are going viral on social media sites. The researchers have experienced receiving inaccurate information, but as …show more content…

As all of these are being presented, the favored media to be used by the public is the broadcast media because of its certain reliability, unlike the print media that requires more knowledge and understanding, have limits in distributing the news, and questions the credibility of the internet as another form of accessing print media. Although broadcast media is evidently more convenient than print, it is still necessary to think about the news' credibility. For journalists, it is important that facts must be well deliberated before broadcasting the news and current affairs, especially for the ones under the big news centers. Print and broadcast media, based on plenty of arguments, share much in common, e.g., both disseminate information to the public and engage in investigation. However, both still have their differences on many factors such as how they disseminate the news, how it is accessible to the people, and a lot of other factors on the list. Broadcast media directly and can immediately disseminate information in a short period of time. News stories given out by broadcast

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