Advantages Of Same Sex Marriage In Hong Kong

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Currently in Hong Kong, homosexuality is legal, yet same sex marriage is not. Under such legal system, the homosexual community in Hong Kong is enjoying less rights than the majority. While some think same sex marriage should not be legalised for the sake of social security, there are also LGBT activists fighting for the equal rights among society. This has led to the recent debate on whether same sex marriage should be legalised in Hong Kong or not, in order to promote social progress by enhancing people’s living conditions. In my opinion, same sex marriage should be legalised in Hong Kong because it can help promote social progress, and help improving Hong Kong’s social condition as a whole. Some opponents claimed that once same sex marriage is legalized, Hong Kong’s social security might be threatened. It is because same sex couples are unable to reproduce naturally, Hong Kong’s birth rate would be lowered after the legalization. Such changes in birth rate may also lead to an aging population, as well as shrinkage in labor force, disrupting Hong Kong’s social progress in the end. Yet, I personally do not agree with the claim. In fact, homosexuality, as well as same sex couples, have been existing all along, and their existence did not make obvious changes in birth rate in general. Therefore, simple legalizing the homosexuals’ rights and recognizing their marriage shall not lead to a sudden drop in birth rate. Instead, the legalization may even benefit our society by

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