Adverse Drug Reaction Research Paper

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Adverse Drug Reaction Assessment Using Stack Sequential Algorithm Nilakshi Joshi1, Amiya Kumar Tripathy2, Aslesha More3, Divyadev Pillai4, Amruni Waingankar5 Department of Computer Science Don Bosco Institute of Technology, Kurla (W), Mumbai, India. Email :,,,, Abstract— An Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) is “a response to the medicine which is noxious and unintended, and which occurs at doses normally used in human beings. During the last decades it has been estimated that such adverse drug reactions (ADR’s) are the 4th to 6th largest cause for mortality in different countries. They result in the death of several thousands of patients each year, and many more suffer from ADRs. The percentage of hospital admissions due to adverse drug reactions in some countries is about or more than 10%. In addition suitable services to …show more content…

Value A is the number of cases with the defective medicinal product P involving an adverse event R. 2. Value B is the number of cases related to the defective medicinal product P, involving any other adverse events but R. 3. Value C is the number of cases involving event R in relation to any other medicinal products but P. 4. Value D is the number of cases involving any other adverse events but R and any other medicinal products but

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