The KKK thought they were holy men, torturing a people into submission. They thought they were clean and if you were black, by even a drop, you were unclean and
The Klu-Klux-Klan was a white supremacist group that opposed “Reconstruction” and equal rights for freed slaves (Hook Exercise). They, to my standards, really would do whatever it takes to stop Reconstruction, even if it meant killing innocent people for that. John W. Stephens, a former senator from Caswell, was brutally murdered by none other than the Klu-Klux-Klan in a Grand Jury room (Doc. A Par.1). John W. Stephens was stabbed five to six times then even hanged on a hook in the same jury room.
o General Ulysses Grant organized the Ku Klux Klan, which was this terrible group of people who were determined to make the African Americans suffer by torturing them in many different ways. o The people of Alabama were very stubborn and did not accept the blacks, especially the ideal of them being free. They also did not take defeat well. o John Rapier was
Who killed Reconstruction: The North or South? Following the civil war, the south killed the reconstruction of the United States. (Reconstruction was putting the country back together after the Civil War) There are many reasons why, the south slowed down the reconstruction of the United States, the main reason was freedmen were not seen as equals to the white.
One of the major changes was segregation. Segregation was when white and black people were forced to be separated. Many organizations made life harder for black people. Some of these organizations made freedom even harder than being a captive slave. The Klu Klux Klan and the White League were some of the groups that caused terror among colored people (Doc 5).
The Klu Klux Klan was a savage group of people that would go out and threaten African Americans into not using their new right like voting. They would kill and hang former slaves and hang them from a tree to warn others. Eventually, Ulysses S. Grant sent troops to put an end to this madness, and he helped give the former slaves the rights they deserved, and he helped fix the patches that Andrew Johnson left
The main goals of the Klan were to decrease support for the republican party, reverse reconstruction goals for the equality of Black Americans, and restore white supremacy. In order to achieve their goals they would use extreme violence like hanging them and burning down their schools. Some Black Americans even said that this time period after the civil war was worse than slavery because of how badly they were treated. This shows that Black Americans were still not treated with respect and faced discrimination and racism and were not given their social
A change in legislation brought slavery back to America in a new way. Tisbe explains, “The blatant racist President Andrew Johnson who ascended to the presidency after Lincon’s assassination, ordered that the redistributed lands be returned to former enslavers, and many freed people went back to working on the land under the sharecropping system”(Tisby, 91). Even though the slaves were freed and were not considered slaves under the law, they were still treated like slaves working under strenuous conditions for very little to no money. Not only was the sharping system implemented, but terrorist groups also aimed to disrupt the lives of Africans. The KKK was notorious for lynching, raping, and torturing Black Americans.
They impacted American people and black minorities. The KKK did not allow blacks to vote or get any kind of education. The black people would avoid groups of white people and crowded areas. They struggled with racial discrimination till they had fair and equal treatment. Successful black business were attacked but when protection groups were created they were quickly dealt with.
Reconstruction was difficult for the federal government to enforce because so many “white Southerners could not accept the idea of former slaves enjoying equality before the law” (Foner, 503). This being said, a group of white rebellions created the Ku Klux Klan. “This gave federal authorities jurisdiction over both states and individuals who tried to deprive freedmen and women of their newfound rights” (Shmoop). The members of the KKK “pretended to be the ghosts of the Confederate soldiers” (Aghzadi). The KKK members were afraid of the rising rights of blacks and they believed that they needed to stay as slaves with no rights.
South Rejection Destroyed the Reconstruction. After the civil war there were efforts sent out to reconstruct the south, and they went horribly wrong. During the civil war the south was totally destroyed. So the government decided to send help to rebuild the south’s economy and tradition.
Although the “free” North abolished slavery, the idea of white supremacy was dominant. ‘“...We are of another race and he is inferior. Let him know his place - and keep it.’” (Doc B) The spread of the abolition of slavery throughout the United States began in 1777 through 1865 and sparked the limits of determining a black person’s freedom.
They were had no desire for blacks to have rights and felt that they should be slaves. By attacking, burning their homes and killing blacks in the north and
As the Ku Klux Klan’s membership grew, organizations such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), which fought to end racial discrimination and segregation, grew as well. With these two growing groups pushing for opposite ideals, tensions continued to increase. The NAACP pushed for reform and rights for African Americans and the Ku Klux Klan combated their progress with lynching and
When they realized, the promises made to them as far as them working and their living situations improving was not happening like promised, they began moving into the white communities. Which would intelled more competition in the workforce. This outraged the whites and they reunited the Klu Klux Klan to begin violent acts towards the blacks. In 1918 there were a total of 64 lynchings and in 1919 there were a total of 83 lynchings.( and