In addition, the holy city, Mecca was the main site for trade. According to the map, followed by Document C, ”Mecca, the holy city, had military campaigns and was in the middle of Arabia, near the coastlines.” Ultimately, Arabs transported goods to market places. Document A state 's,”Vast camel trains, bearing species, perfume, precious metals, ivory and silk, filed through the town, headed north on the way from Yemen … to the
There have been many Islamic achievements through time. Some of the most important Islamic achievements are having libraries, bookstores and schools. (Doc 2) Some others are art and calligraphy. (Doc. 6)
The lucrative location of the beginnings of Islam lead many merchants to trade while spreading the culture. Mecca, Islam’s headquarters, was in the crossroads of the world and in a perfect location for trade, which led to the spread of the culture. In a map created
Many cities came under control of strong Muslim armies, easily spreading the religion. This is shown by Document C, a map showing conquered territories, created from various sources. Document C states, “Mecca came under Muslim control by 622, Baghdad by 632, Jerusalem by 661, and Saragossa by 661.” This shows that the armies conquered many cities very quickly. Much territory is conquered within 100 years.
Comparison and Contrast Essay While the Indian Ocean and Trans-Saharan trade routes both encouraged and facilitated the spread of Islam, the Indian Ocean saw a more extensive diffusion of disease, and traded across water instead of land. Islam was a widespread religion amongst both trade routes, but other religions, like Buddhism, were not as popular along the Trans-Saharan route. Through the time period, we see evidence of Islam’s dominance in the form of muslim architecture and the rulers of the time period.
For example in the Islamic Caliphate cities such as Mecca and Baghdad became very religious and learning centers of the empire grew. The growth of the empire brought people to its cities for religious purposes and for better education. This changed the urban development in the cities . This is because, as the Islamic Caliphate grew, more people went to the important cities in the empire. Mecca and Baghdad became much more popular.
Introduction: Provide background information on the Crusades, restate the DBQ question, state thesis with reasons. (include academic vocabulary and underline) The results of the Crusades was probably more negative than positive. In “Doc 4”, It states that “Moreover, the assault of one Christian people on another, when one of the goals of the Fourth Crusade was reunion of Greek and Latin churches, made the split between the Greek and Latin churches permanent.” The Crusades had a lot of hatred to the religions, and by 1204 the Crusaders had lost some of their appeal because the knights agreed to attack the Byzantine Capital instead.
Muslims have been know for making advancements in religion as well as its many practices. Though, even in light of this fact Muslims are often perceived as lacking in impact. In particular they were never thought to make impacts in technology or science, etc. This is due to the fact that Muslim accomplishments are always overlooked and aren't given credit. Especially so in favor of the scandalous, extremist activities wrongly attributed to Muslims.
The Crusades We have all heard about the Crusades whether you are Christian or not. But why? Maybe it was because of the estimated 1.7 million people that died between 1096 and 1348 CE. Maybe it was the fact that the war started over a small “promised land” called Jerusalem, that the Christians though was rightfully theirs. Maybe it was because you are Muslim or Christian and were taught about it from a young age, because this affected your ancestors a lot.
In Africa during the Post-Classical era, 600-1450 CE, the Saharan was no longer a barren wasteland hardly suitable for travel, but, an essential part of both North African and Sub-Saharan West African societies. Camels and caravans allowed for quicker and more effective traveling. With trading becoming increasingly popular in this area, it provided the resources to build new and larger political structures. During this era, Africa’s economy began to change and the western part of Sub-Saharan was no different. With the Trans-Saharan trade routes ability to increase with the help of wealthier Islamic states, it allowed for the spread of religious and political ideas such as larger empires and the Islamic faith in which both greatly influenced
The societies of West Africa, Europe, and North America exhibited similarities and differences in their religious beliefs, values, and government systems. These contrasts and similarities were further made apparent during European expansion across the Atlantic and the subsequent new cross cultural interactions that were created. One way in which the societies of West Africa, Europe, and North America diverged was in their belief systems. Unlike Europe and North America, West Africa gradually adopted Islam in addition to its traditional religions. Islam diffused through the trans-Saharan trade with North Africa and by the 1200’s was assimilated into the Mali and Songhai Empire.
The Declining View of Muslims Post 9/11 September 11th, 2001 was a terrifying time for most who can remember the attacks, but for American Muslims this stomach-wrenching fear has not gone away, even sixteen-years afterwards. After the attacks, Muslims have been treated like they do not belong in America. They have also been considered “un-American” for believing in their religion, because the attacks were caused by radical Muslims. After 9/11 they have had to deal with hate crimes, job discrimination, and a harder life because the terrorists were Muslim.
Islam was welcomed into areas under these empires because people didn 't like the oppressive rule. In conclusion, trade, conquest and choice are reasons Islam spread so
Interactions between European and Muslim lands. In the first six centuries of Muslim history, new civilizations from diverse groups of religions and resulted in expansion. Over this period Muslims encountered many different groups of people and this includes the encounter with people who lived in the continent today known as Europe. Encounters between European and Muslim lands form an important part of both European and Muslim history.
The Berbers was willing to trade due to sharing the same religion. Since the Berbers were willing to trade, the empire grew richer. Sunni Ali, an important emperor, partnered in Muslim and local religions to build religious