Essay About Older People

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Many countries in Asia like Malaysia became active in considering and reviewing policies on ageing and on older persons after participating in the First World Assembly on Ageing, and started concretising their action plans by drawing from the 1982 Vienna International Plan of Action on Ageing and subsequently from the 1992 Proclamation on Ageing of the United Nations, and various other internationally agreed principles. However, most countries in Asia, till very recently, did not have a long-term perspective on developing a clear-cut policy on older persons. It is mainly at the turn of the century that the attempts to develop sound formal national policy to meet the growing needs of older people became an important exercise. The Macau Plan of Action on Ageing for Asia and the Pacific …show more content…

Subsequently, many countries in Asia framed their policies and programs in line with MIPAA which outlined three priority directions: 1) older persons and development; 2) advancing health and well-being into old age; and 3) ensuring enabling and supportive environments for older persons (United Nations, 2002a).
Some countries in Asia, namely China, Japan, Singapore, Thailand and also Malaysia have taken this challenge seriously and have put policies on ageing and older persons in place in line with the priority directions of MIPAA. Broadly these include healthcare and long-term care, social protection and security, older workers and labour force participation, housing, ageing-in-place and enabling environments, intergenerational relationships, guarding against age discrimination, reducing old age poverty, to anticipate and head off future

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