DeekshithKumar Thadishetti Professor mankerian LS 690 July 31 2015 Climate change is one of the global issue that requires multiperspective approach. One of the key cause of climate change is air pollution. Air pollution occurs as a result of release of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. There are two key sources of air pollution that should be targeted if the air pollution is to be reduced. The first source is the industrial stationay sources, which include electric power facilities.
The Clear Air Act of 1970 gave the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the ability to regulate motor vehicle pollution. As a result, the EPA has been implementing regulatory and control policies to reduce pollution ever since [4]. The car industry has been forced to respond to the regulations imposed by the EPA with different solutions to reduce emissions. In 1975, the first-generation catalytic converters were introduced as a response to the Clean Air Act of 1970. The catalytic converters decreased the emissions of hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide of the vehicles made after 1975 and have since been improved to [5].
On December 2, 1970, the Environmental Protection Agency was established. The Environmental Protection Agency, EPA, was created due to an elevated concern on pollution. Since being established, the EPA has committed to improving human health and improving the environment. The EPA was first proposed by President Richard Nixon and it began operating in December 1970. The agency works will all levels of government to create and enforce regulations and laws.
Global warming. Overpopulation. The lack of food and poor soil. The Government controlment over everything. The Earth as we know it is becoming more and more deteriorated.
1352 Vine Square McDonough, GA 30253 October 15, 2015 Governor Nathan Deal Office of the Governor 206 Washington Street 111 State Capitol Atlanta, Georgia 30334 Dear Governor Deal: My family and I have lived in Georgia for many years, and we love to travel around the state. Our favorite place to venture to is Atlanta; however the amount of air pollution around the city is deathly. While Atlanta’s air quality is improving, it is still listed as one of the worst metro areas for air pollution in the United States. In Forbes, the city was recognized as one of America’s most toxic cities because of the combination of air pollution and atmospheric chemicals.
Every year, Southern Californians guzzle gallons of fossil fuel. As a result, air pollution is still extremely high. With such little education about the issue, people are unaware about how many pollutants they are emitting. However, Southern California and its population could do much better in against taking action air pollution, and strengthen their current activities. Everyone can make a difference in this issue.
Air pollution pervasively impacts humanity as a global society. It results in minimized quality of life and initiates instability within the environment . Air pollution causes extensive detrimental health effects on the residents of Southern California, especially on select sensitive individuals, and has significant adverse impacts on the environment of Southern California. The health of individuals residing within the boundaries of Southern California is steadily tarnished by the destructive qualities of polluted air. The effects of air pollution on the human body over a relatively minimal amount of time are unlikely to have major effects on youthful and healthful individuals.
Environment: Air Pollution Annotated Bibliography Holden C. Edmonds COMM 2367: Persuasive Communication TR 8:00-9:20 Kristie Sigler September 5, 2016 Environment: Air Pollution Annotated Bibliography Newspaper or Periodical Hawthorne, M. (2011, April 1). High levels of toxic lead found in air outside Chicago school. The Chicago Tribune. Retrieved from met-pilsen-lead-problems-20110331- story.html
Contaminated air in the U.S. threatens Americans’ lives. Over several decades, our air has improved. However, the air is still harmful to everyone. Pollution from factories that use coal are a major cause of air pollution. One of the most dangerous issues with air pollution is dust and soot.
Air pollutions rapid increase is not without our help, many causes and sources of this problem are attributed to
“Air pollution is the biggest environmental health problem and is affecting everyone from developing and developed countries, rich and less rich,” said Maria Neira, Director of Public Health and the Environment for WHO. Air pollution has become a huge threat to everyone especially considering global warming. The most known form of air pollution is smog hanging over cities, but there are different kinds of pollution. Some forms of air pollution aren’t even visible, but all of it still contributes to global warming. Air pollution can mean any substance that sends things into the atmosphere and has damaging effects.
Some cities in china have everyone wear gas masks when they go outside. That 's just tragic! Can you imagine getting lung cancer for standing outside for 10 minutes? Cars can release 2 different kinds of pollution. There is primary pollution that goes straight into the air to pollute it and secondary pollution.
1. Introduction Air pollutin is a public health concern and it has been since the discovery of fire. Incidents and episodes of air pollution have been recorded throughout the history. Air pollution is divided into two, it is the indoor air pollution and the outdoor air pollution. Indoor air pollution is produced in households or at offices by pollutants such as tobacco smoke, household products or pesticides.
Automotive emission related air pollution must be reduced before its effects on health can
There are many problems that threatens society and one problem in particular, air pollution is a problem that threatens everyone. Air pollution is the contamination of air with pollutants that are harmful to humans, animals, and the environment. It began to be a problem when humans discovered the uses of fire and then the amount of air pollution exponentially grew after the industrial revolution, and is still a problem even today. The largest causes of air pollution are from human activities such as burning of fossil fuels and gas emissions from manufacturing plants. There are ways that ordinary people can help contribute to prevent air pollution and or else face the dangerous consequences of polluted air.