Alex's Run Chapter Analysis

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In the year 2042 the world is severely polluted and destructed. Alex and Sloan are somewhat friends, they have been staying together ever since the world had been taken over by human waste. Alex was fed up with her lifestyle of fighting over recourse and living in distress, thus, she came up with a plan to find one the government 's safe houses and live there, she wishes to do so with the help of Sloan. The inciting moment is when the pollution began and people started dying. The first complication was when Alex came up with a plan to enter a safe house. The second was when the girls carried on their plan and headed to the safe house, and the third rising action would be when arrive to the bank and entered it.
The climax is …show more content…

John and Alex may seem completely on opposite planes, but in fact, they have a few things in common. Both John and Alex were very determined in that Alex was passionate about getting to the safe house “"The government has safe houses all over the country, all we have to do is find a way to get in and we will have all the fresh food and air we 've been dreaming of...It 's too early in the morning for one of your silly ideas. I 'm going back to sleep... I 'm leaving with or without you...", and John was driven to build a civilization when he said “We must build again.” Another way Alex and John are similar is that they are both stubborn. When Sloan told Alex that the safe house had guards that would kill her if she tries to enter, she still insisted on going and asking to pass through the doors. “We can 't just get in, they are armed, so we need to take them....No! Absolutely not. No one is dying...All we need to do is go down there, hack into the security system and once were in, we can just ask them to live with them ” John also insisted in following his spirit and enter the forbidden land despite the fact his father told him not to. “It is forbidden to travel east” said his father, yet he had and urge and did it.” Then three dear passed in the valley going