(5 & 6) The poem is 46 lines, one stanza and flows like a song or is conversational. Alliteration used is the “s” and “b” sounds in phrases “I snapped beans into the silver bowl” (1), “that sat on the splintering slats” (2) and “about sex, about
The first connection I would like to make between the poem and the article is how unconsciously the citizens around soldiers showed a complete lack of concern. The
This poem uses alliteration,imagery,figurative language,assonance,rhyme and rhythm to capture you all the way to the
He uses many rhetorical devices such as rhymes, metaphor, repetition, alliteration etc… Firstly, the whole poem’s structure is structured in a poetic way using rhyme schemes. He uses words like “dreamed” and “schemed(line 6 and 8), “wreathe” and “breathe”(
" This opening sets the tone for the rest of the poem, conveying a sense of melancholy and nostalgia. The poet observes the tree as a symbol of natural beauty and simplicity in contrast
This particular poem is about parents that have no idea what's going on in their kid's daily life and what they go through. With this type of action, the parents act as if all is good and make little to no effort to get involved in their day to day activities. This shows the kid that the parent does not care or seems like it. The kid will be influenced to do things they normally wouldn't do. If the parent would at least make an attempt to get involved, it may influence them for the better but until then it will not happen.
Imagery and tone plays a huge role for the author in this poem. It’s in every stanza and line in this poem. The tone is very passionate, joyful and tranquil.
The imagery is very strong and descriptive. It explains exactly what is happening when they chaired the athlete and the readers can picture an image in their head. The narrative point of view is first person because the author is presenting the story and explaining what he/ she knows about the events. The main character in this poem is the athlete because the poem is about the memories of the athlete’s victory and achievements.
I love all the metaphors he made in this poem such as the ladder to heaven (apple-picking requires a level which Robert Frost was referring it to the ladder to heaven) and the seasonal interpretation (winter is death and spring is rebirth) that connects to the natural process of decaying and
Most lines of the poem are different lengths. There are no sentence fragments but, there are sentences made of only two or three words opposed to the few sentences that make up several lines. This use of compressed language is significant because it is allowing the author to say something great or profound without having to use lots of words. By doing this, it gives the reader room to analyze what the author is trying to say and come up with their interpretation. The first short phrase is “A marvel.”
Regardless of this, the poem is famous for its unique rhythm and meter of poem. The poem flows very smoothly but does not have a specific poetic foot. Consonances were used to help the rhyme scheme sound more pleasing to readers. The poets diction was exclusive and out of the ordinary.
I appreciate the way in which this poem begins with Metz and then turns personal as if somehow you are living through Metz and allowing him to be the actor who then verbalizes and brings to light your own emotions. In the poem you describe Metz when you say, “He’s more real to me now / than my brother was to me then” which says a lot about the human condition and how personal connections are complex. I have met some people who I instantly feel drawn to while others I may have known them forever but they are still a mystery. Balancing the known and the unknown, the tangible and the abstract is a skill that I see in this poem. You wrote, “I was a girl torn between love and the idea of love”, which further captures the difficulties of our supposed desires which we may know nothing about.
The literary elements in this poem add to the effect the poem has on the reader, which can be different for everyone, but it makes the reader reflect on their own life and how kindness has changed
The song describes most of what is going on in the story. For example, “We found him with his face down in the pillow With a note that said I’ll love her till I die.” These two lines in the stanza are very descriptive. Using detailed lines makes a better understanding for the audience. It makes the song become more realistic.
Without his influence of structure, the poem would merely be, “Black against white sky”. There is a world of difference between what it literally was, letter by letter, and what he made it. By using structure creatively and using odd punctuation marks in places that they most certainly don’t belong in a grammatical sense it creates more of a feeling of distraction and disorder. The poem is given an opposite meaning without even changing a single word. If you were to fully analyze this poem without all of its additions, it would be the absolute antithesis of what he has made it to be: interesting and mild chaotic.