Altruistic Behavior In Leadership

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One of the important keys to the success of the organization is the leadership. Leadership refers to the leaders’ use their influence strategies to members’ so that they have the intention to help others in their work group stated by (Sparrowe et al., 2006). Furthermore, previous studies directly use simple influence strategies that will bring member compliance or resistance (Sparrowe et al., 2006). In addition, they also argued that direction of the relationship between simple influence strategies and members’ helping behavior in order to improve the relationship between leaders and members. The primary idea of the previous research in the combination of the group commitment model from (Sparrowe et al., 2006). Further, altruism has a basic …show more content…

Besides that, it also needs to highlight the benefits of altruistic behavior (Liu, 2007). In the context of altruistic, altruistic employees put others’ importance forward with their own, go beyond the requirement of duty and associate with ethical achievement stated by (Zhang, Zheng, & Wei, 2009). Moreover, leaders tend to act more altruistically towards other employees because they can gain benefit because having a good reputation in the organization, (Bereczkei, Birkas, & Kerekes, …show more content…

In fact, commitment also to identify vision and goals of the organization and employees need to have clear image about it, so that they have their own willingness to stay in the organization, mentioned by (C. P. Yu & Chu, 2007). In the previous researchers, they have their own definition of workers’ commitment as an intellectual condition that have a connection between the employee’s and organization. Commitment also significance with their decision whether to continue or discontinue associates in the organization, analyzed by (Chun-Chen Huang, 2011). Moreover, the previous author also stated that this position is secure with on experimental evidence that observed worker’s concept of being valued by an organization, which is it can strengthen employees' commitment towards the organization. Consequently, it is only possible that altruistic will only appear in person-organization for example, positive emotions and the result can appear on positive employee attitudes about work (Neves, Paixão, Alarcão, & Gomes, 2014). Indeed, there are positive defense that have frequent experiences of positive emotion at work and it may lead to enjoyable emotion at the workplace (Li et al., 2014) and through this the corporation commitment to the

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