Shamas Vs Kaukab

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The first point in the narration is referred to 1919, the time when the British Raj still ruled in India. The main character of the episode is Shamas’ father who lost his memory in the British bombing when he was outside with his sister. In the narrative, we do find him next to shrine and then taken for Muslim. Later it is remembered that he was Hindu, named Deepak. However, now he is renamed, Chakor. This conversion has remarkable implications on his children’s lives. Some people have controversial views against them because they are not ‘real Muslim’, but “infected with Hinduism” (Faber & Faber 82) and therefore cannot be trusted (cf. 47 and 53ff.). The purpose of this point is to trace the causes of conflict between Shamas and Kaukab as …show more content…

He argues that Orientalism has provided the way for colonial possession and exploitation of the East. Said proposes that a society paves its identity more effectively by imagining an ‘Other’. However, the cultural and intellectual superiority imagined by the west was foreshadowed by an imagined East which remained culturally static and inferior. And the same treatment is applied to the Western construction of all ‘Other’ (cited in Spencer 2006). Orientalism was almost European invention. Orient is not adjacent to Europe rather it is the place of Europeans oldest colonies, the source of civilizations, languages and its cultural contestants. However, the orient has helped to define the west as part of contrast image, personality, idea and experience. None of this orient is imaginative rather it is an integral part of the European civilization and culture. Orientalism is a system of thought based upon an epistemological and ontological distinction made between ‘the orient’ and ‘the occident’. Orientalism can be analyzed as the corporate institution for dealing with the orient, making statements about it, by teaching it, settling it. It is a style of dominating, reconstructing and having authority over orient. There were and are certain cultures whose location is in the east. Their lives, histories and customs have brute reality. Actually, the relationship between orient and occident is a relationship of domination and power, of varying degrees of complex hegemony… this thing brings us to a third qualification (Ashcroft et al

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