Pros And Cons Of Liking Work Essay

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Have ever thought about happiness or what is make you happy? Nowadays we are too busy with fancy lifestyle, smartphone, check email, work. We don’t have time to think about happiness. Sometimes we need to ask ourselves to figure out meaning of being happy. Do you like you job or as a student do like what you are study? Many people have jobs because they need money, but they don’t like their profession. Also, I knew some students they do not like their major. However, they think after graduation, have good career. The article says liking work is important because it has negative or positive consequences weather you like you like or dislike the work. I just read the article “Liking work really matters” by Paul O Keefe asserts when people do difficult tasks, they feel bored and mentally exhausted. Thus, the work result may not be expect perfect. However, if subjects find interest to do some work, they might feel encourage to do it. Furthermore, according to a …show more content…

Working only for money even though that is very important but working without any interest can seem frustrating or meaningless. This reminds me one of my job as a cashier. When I first came to New York. I was working at a small grocery store in my neighborhood. I didn’t like this job because people kept asking me silly questions every day such as how you came to this country. How many people are in my family, is the store owner my relative. Do I know how to cook? I was getting tired of this kind of questioning. After a couple of month, I found another job. Then I left this job. I got a new job as a cashier in a fast food restaurant. I liked this job more than the old one. Comparing to that I didn’t have to face every day those kinds of questions. There are people and coworkers are friendly and I feel interested to work there. I really enjoys my job while I am

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