Socialization In My Life

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Socialization - the process of acquiring knowledge so one is able to be adequately integrated in the society they live in -, is actively discussed regarding its makeup. While many believe socialization is purely the result of an individual’s upbringing and early childhood experiences, that shows to be untrue based on my own reality. My involvement in different institutions, the type of media consumed, as well as having to move to a different country - all greatly influenced my social construction. This paper will analyse how these aforementioned experiences taught important lessons as well as shaped my behaviour, contributing to how I decide to live my life and thus socialize.
One of the first and likely more prominent areas of my life that …show more content…

Whether it comes to music, movies, or simply the pages browsed online - they were conscious decisions that affected the way I view and act in the society I live in. For instance, one of my favourite kinds of music is rap. This style often reflects a lifestyle of impoverished people, surrounded by drugs and partying - very different to the life I lead. Listening to this kind of songs helped me to see the world from the perspective of these folks, which in turn gives me more knowledge on how to socialize with them. Their language, behaviour, customs and fashion are many times misunderstood but choosing to understand it definitely provides a new perspective of our society. Furthermore, as the type of media I consumed changed after having moved to Asia and being introduced to their music videos and TV shows, even my perception of beauty changed due to the difference in beauty standards. The blonde, tan, curvy girls I used to see in Western media, were equally represented as sex symbols in Asian media by very slim, pale girls instead. Choosing to continue to consume Asian media over Western, caused me to change my views in what I thought was seen as attractive, cool, fashionable, and even acceptable and respectable in a community. While many people discuss the bad effects of media on socialization (such as communicating with people more online than in person), my experience has shown to be quite positive. It taught me new perspectives of the world and how to coexist well with the members of society who hold those

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