Blackfish, a documentary by Gabriela Cowperthwaite, a historically observed impact of the captivity of killer whales. This Documentary focuses on the orca Tilikum, who was captured off the coast of Iceland. On February 21, 1991, Sealand trainer Keltie Byrne fell into the pool with Tilikum. She was pulled to the bottom by Tilikum, tossed around, and drowned. It took Sealand employees two hours to recover her. She was the first to have been killed because of Tilikum’s stress, frustration, and confinement. Sea Land of the Pacific in Victoria, Canada and SeaWorld in Orlando, Florida tries to explain Tilikum’s aggressive behavior as a result of his restricted life in the marine parks. this topic will soon becomes the documentaries biggest claim. supporting this, Blackfish sets up …show more content…
They explain their point of view on the how the animals are being treated. The main purpose of the film is SeaWorld should not be allowed to keep orcas in captivity.
Gabriela describes SeaWorld as. “evil”, and gives examples of her claim throughout the film. The film starts with a trainer inside a dark lit tank with a whale swerving around him. In the background, you can hear a voice reporting an incident where a trainer was killed by an orca. All of the sudden the orca lifts the trainer up in a very majestic way. This startles the audience when the killer whale, instead of harming the trainer, lifts him up as a part of a performance. Too me a hidden metaphor that the park has evil secrets, that the audience doesn’t know about. The audience is made to realize SeaWorld’s lies. an example of this is, SeaWorlds buys Tilikum, after knowing he killed a trainer at SeaLand. This makes everyone question SeaWorld’s obvious