Disadvantages Of Vaccination

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A vaccine is a biological preparation that improves immunity to a particular disease, according to World Health Organisation. Vaccine is weakened or killed form virus or microbes that cause epidemic. Oxford dictionary sates that epidemic is a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time. Vaccine that injected into the body will trigger our own immune system to produce antibody. Vaccination is done by several time to make the body well prepared to fight when the real virus invaded our body. Our immune system will ‘remember’ the virus if we were vaccinated with that kind of virus. In ancient time, there was so many people killed by epidemic. Todays, with the invention of vaccine, people’s life are now grasp …show more content…

For example, Polio disease which is a highly infectious viral disease that can cause irreversible paralysis (according to World Health Organisation) killed many people’s life before the Polio vaccine came out. According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, Polio reached a peak in the United States in 1952, with more than 21,000 paralytic cases. Later, with the published of the vaccine, there is fewer occurrence of polio. With the published of vaccine, some diseases were eradicated. Children nowadays no longer vaccinated smallpox vaccine due to the eradicated of the disease. Diseases such as Diphtheria, measles, mumps, rubella, haemophilus influenza had been decreases by 99% in United State according to the data from Centres for Disease Control and Prevention. People nowadays can stay away from sickness with the invention of vaccine. With the invention of the technology, there are a lots of vaccine in the market for the vaccine-prevented diseases. Vaccine lower the risk to get serious diseases and help us keep our family health. This is because, if you get sick, your family have to take care of you and may be infected by the disease also. Thus, vaccine is …show more content…

The research and development for a new vaccine is a long and complicated process. Usually a vaccine takes 10 to 15 years before it can publish to public. It involved series of experiment on animal and finally a small group of human for the trial vaccination. The general stages of the development cycle of a vaccine are Exploratory stage, pre-clinical stage, clinical development, regulatory review and approval, manufacturing and quality control. Clinical development involved three-phase process. In Phase I, trial vaccine is given to a small group of people while during Phase II, the vaccine will be given to the people have the similar health characteristics where the disease that targeted to cure. Then, the vaccine is given to large scale of people to track for its efficacy and safety. Over a period of time, if the vaccine does not cause serious side effects, the vaccine is eligible to apply to the regulatory authorities to be publish to public. The side effect is continuously tracked by Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Any serious side effects report from the use of United State licensed vaccine will be analyse by Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. A vaccine will only publish when it passed all the steps and does not cause any serious side effects. Thus, vaccine is safe because it will only publish to the public.
Vaccine can bring potential side effect. Vaccine can bring side effects that is from mild symptom to

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