
Analysis: Can Metaphysics Be Considered A Science

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Can Metaphysics Be Considered a Science?
Understanding the world and the reason for being have always been an area of interest that mankind continues to explore. Though we may never fully understand the question why we are here, but man can come to understand how through the sciences. Science, more specifically metaphysics, is a tool that uses discovery, methods, reason, and recurrence to determine the truth of a thing. Furthermore, when determining an answer metaphysics can find the cause that other scientific fields cannot find but desire for physical solutions.
In order for a student to graduate from high school and college, the student is required to take a certain amount of science related courses. These classes range in difficulty and …show more content…

Metaphysics takes a step back and asks the more thought provoking question: what does it mean to be or where does this being come from? Metaphysics like other scientific fields yearns for discoveries that more or less will not make a physical impact on anyone’s life, but they do quench a thirst for knowledge that opens the door for deeper thought and discovery. Using the topics of existence, properties, space, time, cause, effect, and possibility one can conclude that metaphysics takes science a step further by using scientific types of methods to find a philosophical answer that physical science cannot directly answer. Owens claims that the understanding or findings from metaphysics are pieces of information that fuel the yearning to learn. A forgotten characteristic about science is that the subject knowledge is diverse under a large roof, meaning knowledge from one field of study can be used to attempt to help bring light to another. One example could be a connection between chemistry and biology. As mentioned, biology is the study of organisms but what if the organism, in this case, a human, is not interacting correctly as a human. Chemistry can then step and, taking knowledge learned from a biologist, learn more fully why a certain reaction was not mentally functioning correctly. From there a medication can be formed to serve as an aid in …show more content…

Metaphysics uses these same methods to determine the truest answer. An example of this can be seen in chemistry. One who spend all their time studying chemistry could say that man is many charged partials that through chemical reaction, bring movement. A philosopher, using observation and scientific methods can slightly agree with the chemist but go a step further by examining the purpose and the four causes of the

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