
Analysis Of Disillusionment In All Quiet On The Western Front

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Erich Maria Remarque showed disillusionment in very many different ways in his book that he wrote ¨All Quiet On The Western Front.
¨ The theme of ¨All Quiet On The Western Front¨ is to never let your emotions get to you when you need to power through things and need to be strong at the moment. Paul never let his emotions get to him throughout the story. Besides at one point when he went home and saw his mother so sick she was stuck in bed, and she left all the good food that they had for when Paul came back even though Paul knew his mother and sister needed the food more than him. Disillusionment was shown in ¨All Quiet On The Western Front¨ when Paul was think twice on coming to the war and not haven stayed back home to take care of his sister
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