For Whom The Bell Tolls Summary

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FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS The direct result of Hemingway’s own experiences in the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) has been dramatized in the publication of his novel For Whom the Bell Tolls and the author personally counted the first of March in 1939, as the real beginning in writing the novel and since, he was deeply involved to the Loyalist cause during the Spanish Civil War, he had got it ready for publication in a short time that counted no more than eighteen months. Much of Hemingway’s writings have been appeared in the thirties; during 1932, Death in the Afternoon has been appeared and a year later, it has been followed by Winner Take Nothing and thereafter the result of his journey to Africa was Green Hills of Africa. In addition, …show more content…

Till the year 1931, Spain was under the rule of King Alfonso XIII and in 1930, the conflict between the Republicans and Monarchy got their climax in which Alfonso has been forced under popular pressure to call new elections in 1931; the Socialist and Liberal Republicans won and the Second Spanish Republic had been formed, Alfonso abdicated the throne and fled the country. The years that followed the establishment of the Republic were a turbulent time for Spain. The two years that followed 1933 had been known as the black two years in which the events sounded to make a civil war and with an attempt to settle down the situation, a popular front consisting of Republicans, Communists, Socialists, and Syndicalists had been organized and could win the 1936 elections. The Popular Front had been soon weakened and had ignored the military conspiracy involving several generals where many cities revolted under the leadership of Francisco Franco to replace the new government and the great Spanish Civil War had

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