Mahatma Gandhi's Personal Life Summary

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2. Gandhi’s Personal Life – a Tale worth Telling Gandhi’s personal life has been subjected to numerous criticisms since his autobiography is perhaps the only full length text that magnifies Gandhi’s most intimate details. The success Gandhi achieved in his lifetime did not come easy for either him or for the Gandhi family. Apart from the sacrifices Gandhi made on his own accord, certain sacrifices were made by his family that went unnoticed. Since the head of the family lived to find a pathway to greatness, other members of the family followed him. Some were rebellious; others submerged their identity into his and lost themselves forever in this journey. In this section we begin with reading the personal dimension of Gandhi’s life. His personal life has been a well guarded secret. Gandhi’s life was constantly under the microscope, and every aspect of it was open for the scrutiny of world. This section closely examines Gandhi’s relationship with his eldest …show more content…

Gandhi’s personal and political life were never hidden from public view, his larger-than-life image further magnified the issue. During this time a letter like this was being circulated among the beneficiaries and connections in Gandhi family. This letter is an important piece of evidence because it brings new facts into the light - a letter written by a failed son to his successful father; the hatred that has taken homage in Harilal’s heart was poured into his words. He writes, “For ten years now I have been crying and pleading with you [...] you have never considered my sentiments. I believe that you have always used us as weapons [...] you have dealt with us just as a ringmaster in a circus treats animals in his charge. The ringmaster may believe that he is ridding the animals of their beastly character because he has welfare of animals in his heart [...] you have oppressed us in a civilised way.”(Dalal,

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