Curriculum Development Theory

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He is famous for Little Albert study in which a baby was taught to fear a white rat.
Which one of the following is not included in Eriksons 5 Stages of Psychosocial Development?
This is one of the curriculum development process which considers the school vision, mission and goals.
The capacity for understanding fully is called ____________.
This is a mental discomfort experienced by a person who simultaneously holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values.
The following are Kohlberg’s stages of moral development, except ________.
What is the meaning of HOTS?
This is a type of memorization technique based on repetition.
This means that the subject matter content can be covered in the amount of time available for instruction.
What …show more content…

In this method, the teacher or an assigned student or group shows how a process is done while the students become observers.
This is the process of gathering evidence of students' performance over a period of time to determine learning and mastery of skills.
Which of the following is not one of the three laws of learning proposed by Edward Thorndike?
This is the ability to keep trying to find an answer.
Who started the curriculum development movement?
The aim of this philosophy is to educate for change.
Who proposed the Hierarchical Learning Theory?
This is a type of curriculum design model which focuses on the content of the curriculum.
The aim of this philosophy is to promote democratic social living?
This is a learning that results from the process of working toward the understanding of the resolution of a problem.
What is the meaning of CBI?
As blue as the ocean is an example of ____________.
The Bill of Rights is fund in which article of the 1987 Philippine Constitution?
The words "inadequate, disembark, and illegitimate" have prefixes that are ________.
The whole world stops and stares for a while. What figure of speech is …show more content…

The four divisions on a coordinate graph is the ___________________.
Which one of the following is an example of a prime number?
In how many ways can four boys and four girls be seated in a row containing eight seats if a person may sit in any seat?
A quantity that have both magnitude but no direction is called __________.
What is the sum of 5-4i and (-2+6i)?
Two lines which intersect at right angles are called ____________.
How many significant figures are there in 0.0000032?
This is the intersection point represented by the coordinates (0,0).
This is a positive or negative number that expresses the power to which the quantity is to be raised or lowered. It is placed above and to the right of the number.
Which of the following is statement is incorrect?
The numbers that are contained within two specific boundaries is the _____________.
A number that is placed in front of a variable is the ___________.
The following are odd numbers, except _________.
How many significant figures are there in 91045?
A set of points that lie on a circle and that are positioned within a central angle.
Round off 0.64333 to the nearest hundreth. A comparison between two numbers or symbols is

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