
Analysis Of Night By Elie Wiesel Night

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Hunter W Webb Mrs. Gibson English II 2 March 2023 As a young teenager or child you´ve always dreamt of having more responsibilities and being more accountable for yourself and others.The idea of being an adult sounds fun as a teen but with that responsibility comes a heavy burden. As humans we are all faced with difficult moral dilemmas that can make or break us and define us as people. We are brought up to make the right decisions, be truthful and generally do what is best for others and ourselves. Trouble arises though when those same humans cover the painful truth and don't reach out to help others. That is when we reach a breaking point for our society that can make or break us depending on who we are as people. As we develop throughout …show more content…

A rebellion doesn't start out headstrong, there has to be a buildup. There needs to be a handful of actions that are taken that those who are oppressed either won´t mind or don't see the measures taken. ¨The yellow star? So what? It's not lethal…¨ (Wiesel Night Chapter 1). The following quote goes to show how oblivious Wiesel's father was to the yellow star that all jews were issued to be identified, As jews or a target. Similar to how farmers ear tag their livestock to give ideas of who is who. The definition of dehumanization is ¨the process of deriving a person or group of positive human qualities¨ which pertains to the next piece of Night to show just how far the Nazi`s went during the Holocaust. ¨Not far from us, flames were leaping up from a ditch, gigantic flames. They were burning something. A lorry drew up at the pit and delivered its load-little children. Babies!¨(Wiesel Night Chapter 3). Young children such as babies are typically considered precious and not a soul would consider harming them. The Nazi on the other hand decided to look past typically and treat young children as if they were fuel to the fire, all based on religion and …show more content…

They were treated like animals, which is shown numerous times during Night. Such as the Yellow star for identification. Which as stated brings to mind the thought they were treated such as livestock. It would be a mistake to ignore the fact that jews were loaded into cattle cars for transport. Proving the usage of dehumanization and iniquity in the course of the Holocaust. Accountability is the idea of not only taking blame for the repercussions of your actions, but it also has a strong correlation with responsibility. Wiesel goes to show that no matter how difficult things may get, people will become less accountable to others and worry more about their own living and care. ¨when one is faced with demanding obstacles, one’s sense of obligation to others may become compromised¨. (Accountability in Night ). If things are rough we can lose a sense of who we are and the morals that we once had. Wiesel uses his experiences during the Holocaust to show accountability, from not only himself but the lack of it from others. ¨Elie then watches an old man hide bread before he is attacked and killed by his own son. The son kills his father for the bread before several prisoners attack and kill him.¨ (Wiesel Night Chapter 7). Throughout the novel WIesel uses his experiences as a lesson. He uses his platform in order to teach wrong from right and help us learn and heal from the

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