Analysis Of School Bands Should Not Be Entertainment Adjunct For Sports By Frank Deford

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Frank Deford spent over forty years writing for Sports Illustrated, commentating sporting events regularly on NPR, and has written over eighteen books. On March 13 of 2013 Deford published, “School Bands Should Not Be Entertainment Adjunct for Sports,” on the NPR website. He addresses the middle aged, educated readers of National Public Radio. His motivation for the article comes from the response from the late president of the NCAA, Myles Brand. Deford was flabbergasted by Brand’s remark that students involved in musical extracurricular received genuine scholarships, not only athletes. Frank Deford has numerous opinionated claims in his article; however, he lacks organization, proof to his claims, and a professional tone. Deford first reminds the audience of the speech he gave in the past about collegiate athletes being the only students to receive genuine scholarships. Next, He explains Brand’s stance on the issue. Brand …show more content…

In his opening argument Deford references Myles Brand, but he never quotes or gives a full view of the response from Brand. Brand responds to a previous piece Deford wrote, but Deford fails to addresses the text Brand is commenting on. The reader questions the previously written information and why no account of the previous article exists. Also, Deford fails to provide statistics of the numbers of scholarships awarded to collegiate athletes and to band members. The reader does not understand how substantial the difference in numbers of scholarships awarded. Finally, no decisions or significant details from the court case decision of the high school band members are included. Deford lacks all forms of legitimate proof to his claims and fails to back up his statements with statistical information. Without credible evidence backing up his claims the reader begins to question Deford’s