Analysis Of Uncle Tom's Cabin By Harriet Beecher Stowe

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Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, published in 1852 reflects on the cruelties of slavery, feminism and displays the devastating state of America then. This novel itself had Queen Victoria openly crying and left the rest of America speechless. During the period when the book was published, Abraham Lincoln was in the midst of his term. When he met Stowe he reportedly commented, “So you’re the little lady who wrote the book that started this great war.” The novel made Stowe internationally known. Uncle Tom’s Cabin would become what it’s famously known for; being the first American best seller that was an outcry towards protesting against slavery. The first chapter of this book opens with a detailed description of Arthur Shelby’s farm in Kentucky. Shelby ends up having to sell his slaves, including Uncle Tom, in order to …show more content…

Shelby) son, Harry. This is when Mrs. Shelby is introduced, and she plays out to be an example of a moral, thoughtful wife. Mrs. Shelby tried to persuade Mr. Shelby to not separate the Mother and Son, but the papers had already been signed he sadly told her. Mr. Shelby didn’t want it to come to this, but he had no other choice for his finances were on the line. Worried, she offered to sell her watch. Stowe believed in the impact women had on men and represented this through Mrs. Shelby’s character. She’s an example of how (Stowe thought) wives tried to change their husbands mind/ come to compromise with them through reasonable, polite remarks. Although Eliza wasn’t about to let her son be taken, and she took her son as well as herself out during to night to escape to Canada, Tom declares he won’t attempt escaping. The next morning when Mrs. Shelby rang the bell for Eliza, Eliza didn’t come to her assistance. Fortunately enough, Mrs and Mr Shelby were relieved by this because they didn’t want Harry and Eliza to be separated. As soon as Mr. Haley heard of the escape of Eliza and Harry, he grabbed set out to capture them