Andrew Jackson during his time was considered a very patriotic politician he hated the rich, he hated the Indian, and loved the idea of slavery. It has been said that he grew up not educated and had a bad up bring but still managed to get to a high political suture. Jackson at one point was general and had a very decorated portfolio, which made sense he would become president, Andrew was most well know for “The Battle of New Orleans” where Andrew Jackson, prevented the British Army and General Edward Pakenham, from seizing New Orleans nearing the end of that war.
When the year of 1807 came around, the way that America elected a president changed. In previous elections, only the rich men were able to vote which as a result whoever promised more the wealth was elected for president. When the common man was able to vote in 1807, the type of candidate to win the election change. As seen in the election of 1828 the person who was more relatable to the people, won because the common man was able to vote and so they used that opportunity and elected whoever they thought was going to help them. Overall the people preferred Jackson over Adams because Jackson was able to relate to the people better, and because he was a symbol of the American dream.
This is the second time that Jackson ran against Adams, the first time being in 1824 when Adams won. The first six presidents, unlike Jackson, were men from the east, wealthy, and educated. While Andrew Jackson was from the west and was self-made, he declared education was unnecessary for political leadership. He was committed to remaining a man of the people, he defeated the British at the Battle of New Orleans, which gained him the title of a national hero. Jackson also relied on his ‘kitchen cabinet’ and created the spoils
But still Jackson was the most popular with the people and won the more electoral votes than anyone else (99). Adams that come in second placed with 84 votes they were to close each other that there was not clear majority, the election was thrown into the House of Representatives. Jackson lose that election because Henry Clay, Speaker of the House secure Adams victory. One conflict
The founders of the United States did their best to create a government that would not allow erroneous decisions to greatly harm the nation. They set a percent of presidents being politically sound and well-known; their beliefs for how the nation should be handled were essential to their campaign. President Andrew Jackson, however, did not follow this system, instead winning primarily by his personality and popularity amongst the common American. While his actions in office often appeared to be for the people, most had a hidden selfish side to them that he easily covered up. With the election of 1828, Jackson radically changed American politics, focusing them more on public appearance and personal character than on intelligence and political views, making personality just as, if not more important than the actual politics of a political term.
To become President, Jackson lost the election of 1824, and won in 1828. This is about how Andrew Jackson did or didn’t give power to the people. The people of America had very diverse thoughts of how he gave, used, and took away power. Jackson was either
Andrew Jackson is a Hero Andrew Jackson served as a soldier and was elected for president in 1828. In the history of the United States, Jackson was one of the most popular presidents. Andrew Jackson, hero or villain? Andrew Jackson was more of a hero than a villain because suggested to give Indians land in the west to prevent their extinction and he gave all of his soldiers the same pay, no matter their race.
One reason I believe Andrew Jackson is a hero is because he worked hard to empower the common people. The source: Thomas Bailey and David Kennedy, The American Pageant, 1994 states, “Jackson’s victory accelerated the transfer of national power from the country house to the farmhouse, from the East to the West, from the snobs to the mobs. If Jefferson had been the hero of the gentleman farmer, Jackson was the hero of the dirt farmer.” The quote shows that Jackson equalized the power between the wealthy and
The time has come to make a judgement of the great Andrew Jackson, the 7th president of the United States from 1829~1837. Although some people didn’t like Jackson very well due to very few of his decisions, he made many good decisions during his presidency. Andrew Jackson should be remembered as a hero of the common man due to his unifying leadership, generous approach of governing, and concern for economic equality. The first reason that Andrew Jackson should be remembered as a hero is because of his unifying leadership.
Andrew Jackson’s presidency should be admired by the current generation because he was the first president to fight for the rights of common folk and he exposed the corrupt bargain. Because Jackson was so controversial as president, many people said he wasn’t fit for the job. However, they were wrong. In Jackson’s era, the common people had very little impact on government.
Andrew Jackson was incredibly wealthy, he owned a plantation with many slaves. He was one of the wealthiest in America. He had very humble origins where as he was a frontiersman from the back country, born and raised in a cabin in Tennessee. The thing that made him more liked was that he extended voting to nearly all white males. This extended his perception that he cared about people and wanted more voices to be heard.
Andrew Jackson was one of America 's “great” presidents. At Least that 's what the 20$ bill in my pocket tells me. I don 't deny the awe that his life story inspires. An orphan who turns into a self made man is very inspiring. Also his distinguished military career that helped him win The Battle of New Orleans is one of his few accomplishments.
Andrew Jackson was from the west, and not a politician making him more of a common man than previous presidents. Serving in the military, being manly, and having a nickname “Old Hickory” made him relatable to the people. Presidents like George Washington, in contrast, came across as other worldly with their wealth, and education. The similarities to Jackson encouraged civilian participation in government. Coinciding with universal white male suffrage that came about in the 1820’s, the percentage of eligible voters that cast a ballot was higher in the 1828 election than any previous election.
Jackson developed the economy in a way that no man had too much but every man were financially stable. Jackson built new roads and made other infrastructural improvements especially in the south that were of benefit to the more working class “common man”. Jackson also introduced many Acts and Movements that would help to improve the United States and improve the lives of all US citizens. Andrew Jackson, a former orphan and a war hero, was a popular choice when he was elected seventh President of the United States in 1828. This was based on the fact that Jackson did not hail from a wealthy or “elite” background but from the working class western state of Tennessee.
“Take time to deliberate; but when the time for action arrives, stop thinking and go in.” “I feel in the depths of my soul that it is the highest, most sacred, and most irreversible part of my obligation to preserve the union of these states, although it may cost me my life.” And that is Andrew Jackson. Andrew Jackson was a hero back in the day. Andrew Jackson was a hero because he was the “Man of the People”, and was a War Hero (Battle of New Orleans).