Euthanasia by definition is “the act of putting to death painlessly or allowing to die, as by withholding extreme medical measures, a person or animal suffering from an incurable, especially a painful, disease or condition.” (3) In animal euthanasia “The euthanasia solution is specially made to act quickly and painlessly but it must be administered intravenously.” (2) Euthanasia of animals is a process of putting them to sleep, albeit permanently, still putting them to sleep.
Should Euthanasia be Accepted? Imagine someone you love is in the hospital and terminally ill. Even though you love them, you know they won’t get better, only worse. Would you make them suffer an anticipated death, or let them end their misery?
Mercy killing in euthanasia is right because if you're in so much pain where you can't really deal with it anymore and you'd rather just die then, you have that choice that's safer and less painful then, just being killed, it puts you out of your misery in a way that doesn't hurt. Mercy killing or euthanasia, is the killing of someone who is very sick in order to prevent any further suffering,this type of death is humane , it's empathic. This way of death comes from a loved one’s mercy, or compassion to insure the person they loved will no longer be living with immortal pain. Mr.Williams said, “it's not a choice between life and death. It is a choice between different ways of dying”(Preiss).
The same applies to animals. It is immoral and cruel to kill an animal for no reason, but alright to kill them for food. In John Steinbeck’s Novel Of Mice and Men, the topic of death is brought up quite often, whether it is mercy or murder. Taking life can be merciful depending on the situation at hand.
“A Question of Ethics” by Jane Goodall and “Animal Research Saves Lives” by Heloisa Sabin presents two sides of the same coin in regards to Animal testing. Thereby, questioning the validity or necessity of animal research and testing today. In “A Question of Ethics” by Goodall she presents a scenery of the living conditions of the animals which are often isolated; posing the ultimate questions of, whether animal research is essential to medical research? Or How many tests are performed only to conform to laws and not out of scientific merit? The Suggestion was made that scientists should explore alternative options, such as testing on cell and tissue cultures.
Should you let anyone or any animal go through pain only to die in the end anyway? This question is hard for many people to answer or even think about. Choosing to end another person's life can be justifiable if you are taking someone out of painful existence. Killing another is justifiable act in certain situations such as Capital Punishment and Euthanasia, also in the case of George and Lennie.
Every year, 2.7 million pets are put out of their heartache(Pet Statistics/ASPCA paragraph 2-3 ).1.4 million dogs, and 1.3 million cats. In the article, “Rare White Rhino population drops to 3 with euthanasia at San Diego Zoo” by Washington Post, they contemplate if euthanasia should be legal. Many people have different stands in the topic. Some say euthanasia should stop; others think it’s a mercy for these animals.
Moving on According to the Hippocratic Oath, taken by doctors, requires doctors to not give any deadly medicine to patients and requires for them to do no harm to their patients. Voluntary euthanasia is a violation of this code. This is an act that should be punishable by law, and it is. Dr. Kevorkian, who in the early 90’s helped kill 130 people, was sent to prison for murder, for his involvement of killing his patients. In the Supreme Court decision, Vacco, Attorney General of New York vs. Quill, it was stated that due to the assisted suicide ban of New York no doctor or anyone for that matter could help to assist a suicide.
Many pets die from treatable conditions because their owners cannot pay. It is understandable why the opposition argues that animal euthanasia is unfair and/or cruel, since it´s the default option if an owner cannot pay for a medical procedure
It is mainly concerned the consequences of the actions. When the animals are severely ill which they may in pain or the healthy animals which stay in a shelter where the conditions are poor and lack of care from the providers. Euthanizing the animal requires a shorter time of suffering. Severely ill and overpopulation are a long term problems, the care provided to the sick and abandoned animals are time consuming. Therefore, people with the utility view believe animal euthanasia is right and euthanizing the animals produces the greatest happiness and benefits to
It is more than just “mercy killing” and it is a complicated decision. The definition that best embodies the idea of euthanasia is that it is a process that involves intentionally ending the life of a patient out of concern for them. Some see euthanasia as a good thing, while others see it as wrong. Euthanasia is beneficial in the health care system and should be legalized everywhere.
The word “euthanize” means to bring about a person’s death to relieve them from serious distress. The topic of euthanasia in medicine has evolved since intensive care was first instituted. Before the 1950’s, a simple model was used to determine when someone was dead: the individual was dead when his or her heart stopped beating. In the modern light, the answer to this question isn’t as clear. With advancements in organ transplantation and other medical technologies, the stopping of a beating heart is no longer a definite death sentence.
Is it right to kill those innocent creatures painfully? No. It’s not right to harm them for our own benefits. Every living soul have rights, this includes animals, and just because they can’t speak up for themselves doesn’t mean we can take that away from them. The fact that they can’t speak is a disadvantage, and it’s unethical for us to use their disadvantage against them for our own benefits.
Euthanasia is usually used to refer to active euthanasia, and in this sense, euthanasia is usually considered to be criminal homicide, but voluntary, passive euthanasia is widely non-criminal. Voluntary Euthanasia is conducted with the consent of the patient while Involuntary Euthanasia is conducted against the will of the patient. Beginning with the philosophical aspects of euthanasia we must first understand the importance of the sanctity of life. Human life is sacred because God made humankind in His own image, and that each individual human
Voluntary euthanasia is legitimate in a few nations and U.S. states. Non-voluntary euthanasia is illicit in all nations. Automatic euthanasia is generally acknowledged murder. As of 2006, euthanasia is the most dynamic range of exploration in contemporary bioethics.