
Ap Psychology Chapter 1 Study Guide

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One of the most complex aspects of being human relates to the state of consciousness. It offers perhaps the most varied of experiences, from the state in which people are in when they are not conscious to the representation of semi-consciousness to the full reality of the waken state. Cognitive neuroscience may be one of the most well-explored areas of human well-being, and yet there is still so much more to learn about the inner workings of arguably the most important organ in the body. Chapter 3 delves into the concept of consciousness and the two-track mind, in an attempt to explain everything from sleep issues to addiction to the hypnosis to the ways in which the brain processes just about everything. The brain is a highly complex organ that is responsible for everything from knowledge to personality and everything in between. Therefore, understanding why it works the way …show more content…

However, advancements in the field made it possible to better understand that not only was psychology more complex than concepts of consciousness, but also that there were many other mental aspects at play. Consciousness has since been redefined to express the idea of awareness – both of personal being and the environment that exists around it. It is through cognitive neuroscience, which is the study of the brain in relation to its mental processes, that scientists can better understand the level of consciousness. Knowing how the body reacts at various levels, what human control exists in each and how they contribute to the activities of the brain can likely explain a lot about human behavior. Within cognitive neuroscience, the latest research is able to the show the ways in which brain activity centered on imagined thoughts, personal ideals and concepts and the inner working of this organ direct behavior among individuals of varying backgrounds and physical

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