Applied Cultural Analysis

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Applied cultural linguistics refers to the notions and analytical tools of cognitive anthropology and cognitive linguistics and it explores the relationship between language, culture, and conceptualisation (Palmer 1996; Sharifian 2003, forthcoming).
Raymond Williams believed that culture is one of the two or three most complecated words in Enlish language (1983:87) and described social culture as a description of a particular way of life, which express certain meanings and values not only in art and learning but also in institutions and ordinary behaviour (1961:57-70). Atkinson (2004) described three main perspectives on culture as bellow:
• Received views of culture ~ the popular, common sense idea which sees the world as divided into a …show more content…

developed his previouse definition of metadiscurse as linguistic items which serve the textual and and interpersonal functions of language. Writers use textual functions to connect parts of ideational material whithin a text in order to make the meaning in context explicit and logical to the readers (Connor, 1996; Crismore and Abdollehzadeh, 2010; Enkvist, 1990; Grabe, 1985; Holliday and Hassan, 1976). On the other hand, authors convey their “personalities, their evaluations of and attitudes toward ideational material, shows what role in the communication situation they are choosing, and indicates how they hope readers will respond to the ideational material” (Vande Kopple, 2002: …show more content…

It is the international medium of teaching, writing and reading and sourse of global knowledge is open to international readership through this language. Persian national context has been choosen with the aim of exploring rhetorical and discursive cross-cultural differences.
There is no dubt that comparative metadiscourse analysis of texts written by native speakers of L2 and those written by L2 learners can help L2 learners improve their knowledge of L2 but I believe that comparing structural and cultural differences between texts written by native L1 and L2 speakers may have a greater impact on learning L2 as it provides a broader view of hidden cultural communicational rules in both

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