
Apush Chapter 4 Key Terms

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Lanida Blackwolf Mr. Burton Social Studies May 10, 2017 Key Terms and People: Tariff of Abominations: Name from angry southerners, and what happened as Andrew Jackson was taken office, the congress placed a high tariff on imports. States’ Rights Doctrine: Stated that state power should be greater than federal power because states had formed the national government. Nullification Crisis: A dispute was a conflict between the supporters and the opponents of nullification deepened. Daniel Webster of Massachusetts: Argued about the United States as one nation, not a pact among independent states. McCulloch v. Maryland: Court ruled national bank as constitutional. Whig Party: Party favoring an idea of a weak president and strong Congress. Panic …show more content…

Tarifs imported goods more expensively for south, also high tariffs angered some South’s European trading partners, trading partners wanting to raise their own tariffs as retaliation, and to avoid they called for low tariffs. West (Frontier economy just emerging) Boosting their farming economy and encouraging further settlement were policies favored by settlers. Farmers grew variety of crops, highest priority was cheap land, and internal improvements.(Ex. Better roads or water transportations) Tariff of Abominations Tarifs one of first issues President Jackson faced, 1827 was the year before jackson's election, and northern manufactures began to demand a tariff on imported woolen goods. Northerners wanted tariffs to protect industries from foreign competition that was especially from Great Britain. British companies driving American ones out of business with their inexpensive manufactured …show more content…

The new tariff plagued the young nation by added fuel to growing sectional differences. States’ Rights Debate Andrew Jackson taking office in 1829 meant he had was forced to respond to the conflicts over tariffs, the core of dispute was questioning of an individual state’s right disregarding a law passing by the U.S Congress. Nullification Crisis Vice President John C. Calhoun’ s early political career supported a criteria of a strong central government, 1828 was when congress passed Tariff of Abominations, ands Calhoun joined fellow southerners in protests. Economic depression/ previous tariffs severely damaging economy of his home town South Carolina, recovering in 1828, some leader spoke of leaving Union over the issue of tariffs. Calhoun drafted south carolina exposition and protest responding to the tariff, saying Congress shouldn’t favor one state/ region over another. Calhoun using protest advancing states’ rights doctrine, saying since states had formed national government, that state power was greater than federal power. Believing state's right to nullify, or to reject any federal law that judging to be

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