
Argumentative Essay: Legalization Of Marijuana

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Mateo Benavides Mr.Williams EWRC Per-7 27 October 2016 Legalization of Marijuana One young lady named Kristen Courtney had arthritis and lupus. She had a cocktail of 40 different type of medicines. Her family assumed that she was gonna die, but then she had raw cannabis and it helped her pain go away. Cannabis was first discovered by a chinese emperor, Shen Nung in 2727 B.C. The plant it is found in is called Cannabis. It spread from Islamic Empire to Africa.” In 1545 it went to the Western Hemisphere where spaniards imported to Chile for its use of fiber. In North America in the form of hemp, it was grown on many plantations which was used for rope, clothing and paper. Why is this substance illegal if we use it for so much …show more content…

The Department of Health and Human Services recently signed off on a proposal to study marijuana’s potential health in efforts to figure out the source of the problem. This is a part of treatment for veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder.(23 Health Benefits of Marijuana) This quote confirms that even the Department of Health and Human Services approve of marijuana being able to help people. Marijuana can also help our economy by raising enough through charging like 1 dollar per “joint” and would possibly earn 19 millions dollars. This is a way to efficiently bring up the economy with the help of a harmless herb. Marijuana is the most used drug product alone that is used illegally and is not known for any permanent or fatal effects. Pretend their is a tax of $.50 or $1 per joint, we can make a rough estimate of the revenues that could be raised from legalized marijuana. According to the 1991 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, some 19.5 million Americans used marijuana at least once in the year, of whom 5.3 million used at least once a week and 3.1 million daily. About one-half of the latter are thought to be multiple daily users, who can be expected to make up the bulk of total amount of consumption of this product. Can also help with economical problems.(Revenues From Legalization of Marijuana) This is enough evidence to show how …show more content…

N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2016 Loria, Jennifer Welsh and Kevin. "23 Health Benefits Of Marijuana." Business Insider. Business Insider, Inc, 20 Apr. 2014. Web. 27 Oct. 2016. "Marijuana and Cancer." Marijuana and Cancer. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2016. "Marijuana 'can Reduce Chronic Stress and Depression '" International Business Times RSS. N.p., 05 Feb. 2015. Web. 27 Oct. 2016. Millstein, Seth. "How To Argue For Weed: 7 Arguments Against Marijuana Legalization, Debunked." How To Argue For Weed: 7 Arguments Against Marijuana Legalization, Debunked. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Nov. 2016. Stress and Depression '" International Business Times RSS. N.p., 05 Feb. 2015. Web. 27 Oct.

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