
The Holocaust: A Pop Cultural Phenomenon Of Pop Culture

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What is the Holocaust? The Holocaust was the murder and the oppression of more than 6 million Jews under the Nazi soldiers during World War II in the years of 1941–1945. Many of these Jews were starved, burned and tortured, amongst other horrible things. The Holocaust is a pop cultural phenomenon that has influenced many positive and negative views through artistic mediums such as books, films and museums. The famous author of The Night Trilogy, Elie Wiesel, said: "Back then, few schools offered courses on the subject. Today, many do. And, strangely, those courses are particularly popular. The topic of Auschwitz has become part of mainstream culture. There are films, plays, novels, international conferences, exhibitions, annual ceremonies with …show more content…

What is pop culture? Pop culture is made up different products and lifestyles that are accepted by our current society. The Holocaust has innovated many artists to start a new work based on the event. For example, the Holocaust was used as a background for the main character of Hannibal Lecter in Hannibal Rising. The way an artist portrays an event can affect people’s personal perspective on this catastrophic incident. The way a person sees it can influence them to remember it in a certain …show more content…

The Simon Wiesenthal Center demanded the eviction of an exhibition that insulted and ridiculed victims that were affected by the Holocaust in an Art Museum in Tartu, Estonia. Another downside is the disrespect you might make someone feel with certain items you made. For example, Urban Outfitters, a retail store that offers expensive apparel for both men and women amognst other products, released an item that was related to the Holocaust. The item they were selling on their store was a shirt that used a star gay men were forced to wear in the concentration camps. This item offended many people and brought many problems to the store

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