
Argumentative Essay: The Murder Of Michael Brown

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Michael Veith

Michael Brown was a black teenager shot by white officer Darren Wilson. He was shot on August 9th 2014 in Ferguson, Missouiri. Prior to the altercation between Wilson and Brown, Michael had robbed a Ferguson market, and had forcefully shoved the clerk making it robbery (robbery is considered theft with the threat of violence or a weapon). Michael had been with his friend Dorian Johnson who knew of the incident. Officer Wilson was driving around the suburbs of St. Louis when he ordered the two men off the street and onto the sidewalk from his car. Wilson stopped his car next to the two men. Wilson was armed with a SIG p229. Brown had reached his arm into Wilsons Tahoe in an attempt to take and gain control …show more content…

Brown and Johnson began to flee. Johnson hid behind a car while Brown ran in the street. Darren had stepped out of his vehicle and began pursuit with Brown. Wilson had ordered that he would open fire if he did not stop. It is believed that Brown said “Don't shoot”. This is where the story becomes unclear. Wilson states that while in pursuit Michael turned around and began to charge Wilson and that's when Darren shot Michael six times till he fell to the ground. Johnson claims that Brown had not charged the officer. No shots had hit his back meaning at some points while running Brown turned to face Officer Wilson. He was shot in the head, arm, and chest. DNA was found on Wilson's gun, in the inside of the SUV confirming the fight for the gun. Michael Brown was much bigger and stronger than Officer Darren …show more content…

All the news channels are privately owned and they have the ability to put whatever they want on tv because all they care about is money. They over exaggerate issues and always bring race into them. More white people die in police shootings than black people. Almost twice as many. The media only cares about making money and over exaggerating these incidents misleads the public into believing that everything is more of a deal and an issue as it is. Most of the public don't care to follow up or fact check what the media is feeding us. The media feeds us more false and bad information than good. They focus on bad things that happen rather than good things most of the time. I think the media is the biggest cause of America's ability to address and handle racial issues. I think cellphones are a great way to bring out the truth on any kind of incident but I also think evidence and such can't always be trusted. Any picture or video can be easily edited to make something appear differently. I think cell phones have actually made things worse because it allows false information to be spread incredibly fast and people don't bother to fact check or anything which causes lots of problems in our

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