Aspects Of Thatcherism And Reaganomics

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The Distinctive attributes of Thatcherism and Reaganomics Introduction The policies of Thatcherism and Reaganomics significantly influenced the economies of the countries where they were applied. Some of their impacts are observed to be existing up to date although in more reformed and improved system. This research paper examines the features and achievements of the two policies and the impact they had on the citizens of these countries. It seeks to establish what negative impacts these policies brought with them in their bid to facilitate economical improvements in the countries where they were applied. It also attempts to unearth whether the ideologies introduced by these systems are still applicable in the current time economies. Features of Thatcherism Thatcherism is a collection of policies regarding political, social and economic matters that were formulated and implemented during the reign of Margaret Thatcher being British Prime Minister. She stood in power from 1979 up to 1990 and was the first female to be voted as a British Prime Minister. Thatcherism ideologies mainly composed of privatization of property, deregulation and authoritarian system in social policies. Thatcherism is mainly characterized by a conservative system of governance that dominated much in the period of between 1979 and 1990. This system is also characterized by the solid base it created in terms of governance and how much it had influence on the subsequent governments even after its reign