Asrar-Ul-Haq Maaaz Analysis

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Asrar-ul-Haq Majaaz :A Journey of Love, Hope and Revolution

Dr.Syed Ahmad Raza Abidi Assistant Professor Department of English G.S.S. Mahavidyalaya, Allahabad.

In Urdu the great poets Mir Ghalib, Dagh and Josh have sung of love in its different aspects and forms. The feeling of love is natural. It is found in every human heart. The poet is distinct for common human beings and feels keenly and acutely. Of all …show more content…

In this respect, Majaaz was the greatest romantic, for his love was built on the foundation of beauty and humanism. Majaaz, the poet of beauty, in his poem “Zhar-e-Husn” Declares, “Except Beauty everything is mortal”(Majaaz 160). Majaaz the great worshipper of beauty presents many aspects of woman. To him woman is a symbol of love, beauty, humanism and sacrifice. He takes delight in presentation of physical beauty, but he does not think woman a thing of physical pleasure only. His theory about woman is quite different from that of the Romantics. He wants to give woman her rightful place. On account of their revolutionary zeal, the romantic poets of England could not recognize her right place; they considered her only on physical level. He wants that woman should walk shoulder to shoulder with man on every front in life. It was her real place which Majaaz recognized and propagated in his poems. In his life time, he saw many great woman as Ismat Ghugtai, Razia Sajjad Zahir, Dr. Rasheed Jahan, Sarojini Naidu, Vijaya Laxmi etc., who were playing important roles in the battle of life. Majaaz’s woman is not imaginary or ethereal. She is fleshy and lives in this world. She is the idealized picture of womanhood. Majaaz takes delight in the presentation of physical beauty of woman. In the earlier stage of his poetic career, Majaaz exhibits love for physical aspects of woman. His nazm “Numaish” presents an innocent picture of a young lover who is not acquainted with the realities, the pangs and anxieties of love. He recites this nazm in his student life in 1931, as he was much impressed with Aligarh exhibition. He is not the traditional lover. He changes his ways and presents many forms and the beautiful body of woman from different

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