Assignment 2: Principles And Methods Of Assessment

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Andy Jun Sanchez-Bautista Assignment – 1
EDS 113 – Principles and Methods of Assessment 2nd Trimester, 2016-2017

Introduction In ensuring that our lesson is align to the desired learning outcomes of the course, each lesson should take into account three important components in making the course internally consistent. Learning objectives, assessments and instructional activities or strategies are those components needed to work together to achieved the desired goals. When these components are not aligned, the students might rightfully complain that the test did not have anything to do with what was covered in class. Also, the teacher might feel that even though students are earning a passing grade, yet they haven’t really mastered …show more content…

The general instructions of the examination were indicated in the first page of the exam paper. Instructions includes the amount of time the test should be taken, materials that are allowed to be used, the types of test they will be taking and the allocated grade percentage given for the section of the test. The test has two sections, the first section is a 40 items multiple choice questions (MCQ’s) and the second is free-response questions (FRQ’s) comprising of 4 scaffolded problems (having 3 sub-questions). Looking into the objective of the course and evaluating the assessment tool used here, it was found out that it is consistent with what was the learning goals being stipulated. One key objectives of the course, is that students should demonstrate proficiency in solving problems mathematically and that were accomplished through the FRQ’s that was included in the test. In FRQ’s students are required to show all the necessary mathematical solution of a Physics problem. Questions in the MCQ’s section were distributed uniformly and they were arranged in random order having consistent level of difficulty that assess students learning on the cognitive domain of bloom’s taxonomy. The overall exam paper is well written, stems and test options are orderly arrange. The task in the assessment tool is consistent to what were expected from the student towards the course. The exam type simulates the kind of test …show more content…

Through laboratory activities and other process-oriented activities that will help students to apply the concepts learned in class provides opportunity to get the optimum retention level of that concept to stay in their long-term memory of which are necessary in their preparation of the AP exam. Involving students with the assessment procedure of the task, such as peer or self-assessment will help student reflect deeply and effectively on their learning. Results of the assessments help teacher to act on what are the modification, improvements and action that should be undertaken to improve learning. Collaboration with others such as the teaching staffs, laboratory custodian, other personnel necessary to realize these efforts should not be overlook. Student participation and motivation should be encouraged all the time and efforts should be rewarded

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