Low Attendance Motivation

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The employee’s low attendance is a good sign of corporate ill-health as it may point out to low morale plus work conflict that exist in the organization, and it is intrinsically linked with the employee retention. Therefore, in past few decades a number of theories have become increasingly refined to explain the factors that influence employees’ attendance. By definition attendance is the act of attending or being present at work. Also, it is used to define the number of employees present on a particular day at work. Reliable and consistent employee attendance lays on contextual factors like personal characteristics and other attendance motivation factors such as personal traits plus employment relationships. However, it is …show more content…

The overall objectives mention above are formulated into a research hypothesis for assessing the causes of Maldivian employees’ low attendance in MACL. The hypothesis needs to be tested with the information gathered from secondary and primary data to be collected. The following is the hypothesis formed for the research to be carried.
‘Employees that have favorable contextual factors and attendance motivation factors from the different environments (organization, home, society) would exhibit good attendance than employees with unfavorable contextual factors and attendance motivation …show more content…

Contextual factors; it is an environmental or biological characteristics that are related to the effectiveness of a cooperation.
Hypothesis; it is a theory or idea that test through study or experimentation for proven.
Personal Absence Time; it is time off from work that employees can use to stay home to care for the illness of an immediate family member (spouse/partner, child or parent) through the organization’s policy.
Conjunctivitis; it is an inflammation of the conjunctiva or transparent membrane of the eye.
Empirical objective; it is an objective that we want to observe and experience in the research.

Nowadays, employee attendance is the main concern for many organization. One of the organization is MACL. They need to know the reasons behind the employee’s attendance. In one particular day their 527 employees are on leave or not attending to work due to different reasons. So, the colleagues working in the same department have to bear the burden. Also, company is using lot expenditure to fill that positions. By doing the research for employee attendance causes will give better understanding for the company and other organizations that have similar issue. This research objectives are mainly divided into two parts. That are general objective and specific objectives. These objectives are formulated into one hypothesis statement that needs to be tested through this

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