Elliot was taking their best friends away. Another student said being called “brown-eyed” by the blue-eyed kids meant that they were stupid or something equivalent. I thought the comments were disheartening because it shows the daily struggle of what people of color go through when they face discrimination or anyone else who is considered different. However, this project made me feel happy that these children got to experience discrimination so that they will not repeat the same actions to someone
I personally do not think immigration is a bad thing, but I could never tell my father that. I learned a lot about the struggle each person goes through to try and make money for his or her family. It is sad reading about how hard some people's lives can be; I guess I take things for granted sometimes. This group of people was struggling so badly for money that they were willing to risk their lives. They knew conditions were harsh but they knew the outcome would help their
Not only does this episode bring attention to many influential African Americans, it provides a lens for a younger audience to see and understand the racism in the past. Using Martin Luther King Jr’s actual words was very
I have never been in a room with so many desperate people. There were people desperate to stay sober because they have just begun their path to sobriety. There were people who were desperate to keep the life that they are living because AA meetings have shown them that life is worth living and they are just starting to feel that they are worthy of that new life. There were also people that have been sober for a very long time (25 years) and still attending meetings. They seemed desperate to lead others to this life that they say is so much more today than it was
It was very enlightening and informative. It is quite a sight to see so many African American intellectuals gathered in one room . There were round table open discussion and many
This moving event tide the gap between humans. The sign that read, "No human being is illegal" really inspired me. In the big picture, ignoring all the nitpicky options and details, people are people. Seeing how simply writing a statement and name on a poster can better ones day was truly amazing. All anyone could ask for is support.
We spoke about them being mindful of their ethnic background since some of them are graduating soon, some will go off to college and others will go on to start working. The real world is not as simple and easy going as it seems and I had to share my experience with them to show them that discrimination will continue but they don’t have to be the ones to confirm people’s bias, but be an example that defy all odd and miraculously show them that not all black people are not how they perceive
I imagined they would be more similar to what you see on TV and they were quite different to witness in person. On T.V they always portray Alcoholics Anonymous meetings as a major downer and they cast it in a darker light with a much more serious vibe. I always thought of Alcoholics Anonymous as a good place and I have always thought of it in a good light based on how my mother described it. I was happy to see that my feelings towards the meetings were correct. I was surprised how upbeat the meeting was.
My initial perception of the members in the room is that some members may be shy to disclose their stories, but was amazed that everyone came forth in the room to discuss their shortcoming. Furthermore, I did not have any stereotypes perception about alcoholism since I am aware that alcoholism is a disease that affects the brain. My understanding about alcoholism was confirmed by the various client verbalization of their stories and problems associated with
Regardless of all the beating the students got they never seemed to have given up on their chance to be seen as any other white person and been given the right to have some coffee, something a lot of strength. For one to show strength, it does not mean to be the strongest person in this world, but to show that no matter what gets in the way, no matter what tries to stop someone from quitting what they are doing, they do not. They are given a million reasons to give up but having one reason to keep them going that is what truly makes a person be full of
Substance Abuse Counselor Substance Abuse Counselors, otherwise known as Behavioral Disorder counselors, advise people who suffer from alcoholism, drug addiction, eating disorders, or other behavioral problems. Substance Abuse counselors do a variety of things such as evaluate client 's’ mental and physical health, addiction or problem behavior, and readiness for the treatment they need (“Summary”) The first rehab clinic was formed in 1982 by President Ford’s wife, Betty Ford, when she developed an addiction to alcohol and prescription medication in the 1970s. Before this clinic, America formed a Prohibition Act, to ban the possession and selling of alcohol. Many people would be more tempted to drink alcohol and start an addiction due to the fact it was illegal.
Every member who spoke had a good point or idea. I felt that I made a difference in my community by watching and participating in this board meeting. I typed many questions into the chat box, replied to a comment, and began to understand the board of education in a different way. I now know how hard the board works to ensure that students stay safe, learn as much as they can, and enjoy learning. I passed down much of this information to family members and watched it with them too.
We were all sad, in a way, for this time together to end, but everyone had a wonderful time. My observations were very beneficial to me in my journey towards a career. I gained vital knowledge, positive advice, and relationships to last a
Some people think that being the Alcoholic in the family is the hardest part of the whole thing. But I am here to show you that it's not being the Alcoholic that is the hardest part, its dealing with them thats hard. Their own effects on different parts of the family like unborn children, children in general, and the spouse. There are also different roles in the family that the family members take up, some of them help the Alcoholic and some don't.
We had a totally different life as we are from the different class and race. They were sitting on the corner of the restaurant, I saw the little boy, and he made a smiley face to me. I was glad to pay him a meal. He was eating really fast, that maybe he was hungry. The black woman's kid shared some fires with her mother.