Baby Kochamma Analysis

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Ayemenem house” is just like a closed pickle jar which Pappachi closes whenever he wants. So both charcters face extreme suffocation as in they are closed in the jar. Finally, it is a symbol of heat and furtiveness as we know writer has introduced the weather of Ayemenem in the starting lines of first chapter which is very hot.
May in Ayemenem is a hot, brooding month. The days are long and humid. The days are long and humid. (1)
As it is known when we anyone want preserving of fruits or vegetables he needs proper temperature and heat. So this heat is symbolizing the intense hotness in every second character of the novel. Next there is a character in the novel Baby kochamma who has heat first of all g theology. That was all she wanted.(24) ould come to know about this.
She moved quickly through the darkness, like an insect following …show more content…

The God of the small things is also a title of the one of the chapters of book Roy has given a symbolic title to her beautiful and unique piece of art “The God of the small things”. This is a suitable title for this story. It has many interpretations, we can pertain it with Pappachi, Politics scenario, Baby khochamama and most importantly with Valutha.
It symbolizes big things and small things , suppression, loss and trouble as well. First of all the word God symbolizes ruler the one who rule over small things it takes us towards baby kochamma and Pappachi both of them try to rule over everyone else in the family if Pappachi is trying to rule his wife and children then baby kochamma is trying to rule twins , their mother, and Valutha. Pappachi becomes the God of small things, God of his wife and Ammu who are small in power in front of him. All the time he wants to beat her and even Ammu. Even though his behavior was good with outsiders but in the home he did whatever he wanted.

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