According to Gould, the 1960s television show Batman was an unexpected cultural revolution because for children watching television in the 60s, the Batman TV series was a joyfully relaxing exercise for them. Also, this became a comedy classic and it was a cultural phenomenon in the 1960s. The Batman TV series was famous because this series has humor and a colorful cast of villains. As well, Batman have some aspect of popular culture, that he represents the reflection of society making him a superhero. In addition, Batman in the society wants to do justice on a bad attitude committed.
His moral law is never to place his prime goal within the persons of others. His moral obligation is to do what he wishes, provided his wish does not depend
Even though his philosophies are morally corrupt, they are still consistent, he believes
Throughout the novel, he puts himself in danger to protect innocent people and stop the Nightwalker's plans. He willingly endures physical and emotional pain, understanding that his own well-being is secondary to the greater good. This selflessness is a defining characteristic of a hero, and it reinforces Batman's sense of purpose as a protector of Gotham's citizens. Another hero archetype seen in Batman: Nightwalker is the "mentor." In the novel, we see a young Bruce Wayne seeking guidance from his trusted butler, Alfred, as well as the city's chief of police, Captain Gordon.
This helps the reader understand how much the Greeks valued loyalty. In contrast, Batman Begins had an American feel to it with small traces of Eastern culture, depicted through the martial arts and temple in the mountains. The main theme of this movie was that revenge cannot solve any problems or bring true happiness. This important theme was the mentality Bruce used when he fought criminals to bring
However, the most intriguing topic concerning Batman’s mental stability was the evaluation of Batman’s love life. Batman has fallen in love but he lives a life of mystery and interacts with a false identity. To keep Gotham citizens unaware that Batman is Bruce Wayne, Bruce wears a bat-suit which is a dark outfit that includes a night bat-like mask while fighting crime. To further conceal his identity from the world, Bruce gave his real name an alter-ego that has the personality of a wealthy playboy while he acts out his true identity as Batman. Thus, Batman is unable to maintain a romantic relationship with anyone due to intimacy and his alter-ego, regardless if Batman wants a love life or not.
and she died at the end of the movie. Jim Gordan, the commissioner, worked together with Harvey Dent and Batman in controlling the crime cases that happens in the city until The Joker shows up. Alfred is the guardian of Bruce Wayne (Batman) after his parents died. Lucius Fox is one of the employees in Wayne Enterprises who is supporting Batman by providing Batman the equipment. 2.
As I have learned from Understanding Comics, the creation of comic books is a highly thought out and planned art. There are numerous decisions to be made by the artist regarding style, color, and layout to name a few. Batman: Year One is a great collection to analyze. Although there are many aspects that contribute to comprehending the stories told in comics, the use of color and shadows to highlight and detail certain scenes in Batman: Year One grasps who Batman is as a character.
The writing was weak and the special effects were nothing special. It could have been worse and I still had a fun time watching it, I just expected more for all the praise the movie got. I was also disappointed with Thor: Ragnarok. A lot of the jokes didn’t land and the comedic-heavy tone often put the story and characters on hold. As for Justice League,
Batman vs Superman For my compare and contrast paragraph I chose Batman vs Superman. Batman and Superman are alike in a lot of ways but there some differences. There are both alike because they are both super heroes, both from DC, and both are good at what they do. Batman in different from Superman is that Batman can’t fly and Superman can fly because his powers. Another thing is that Batman fights in Gotham the most crime ridden city.
The characters, The Joker and Darth Vader, have contrasting motives but are similar in playing the villain role and are indispensable in the movie 's success. The Joker and Darth Vader have a unique appearances setting them apart from the other characters in the films. Batman has been around for over fifty years and the Joker is always portrayed the same way. The Joker’s appearance includes a white face, a forced smile, and usually green hair. The Joker’s look came from his traumatic past.
Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight Trilogy constitutes a rather contemporary manifestation of an extensive body of artifacts in media culture. Media culture, Henry Giroux holds, “has become a substantial, if not the primary educational force in regulating the meanings, values, and tastes that set the norms, that offer up and legitimate particular subject positions – what it means to claim an identity as male, female, white, black, citizen, noncitizen” (2-3). Being the most popular remediation of the Batman over the past two decades, the Dark Knight Trilogy reveals contemporary attitudes of mainstream Hollywood film to issues revolving around sexuality and gender as two of the core facets of identity. In particular, the representation of masculinity,
The hero of the movie is Batman while the villain is the Joker ( Chris Nolan, The Dark Knight). What is significant is how the characters have different moral views on killing. The Joker is depicted as insane, ruthless and has the desire to bring chaos to the city of Gotham (Batman Wikia The Joker). What makes the Joker important is that he acts amoral. Amoral means that a person does not believe in a system of morals (Stein and Urdang 49).
My adoration of Batman procures from his skills in unarmed combat, deductive reasoning and as a detective. Somewhere in my mind I admire his courage and persistence too. Batman is an embodiment of principle and restraint. Throughout his 75 year run as a character he has never killed any of his foes. We see him struggle with the decision to kill issue after issue, always considering the fact that killing The Joker would save hundreds of lives.