Julia Ackerman Ackerman 1 Gallon U.S. History 27 May. 2016 From Gettysburg to Florida: The civil war had many battles fought throughout the four years. Many known and some unknown, but it doesn’t make them any less important. All of the battles contributed to what our country is today.
In September 1862, a battle was fought in a small town in Maryland. More lives were lost than any other battle or war that the United States has ever experience before or since. This battle had no true winner but it did have consequeses that changed the course of the Civil War. In James M. McPherson’s book Crossroads of Freedom Antietam The Battle That Changed the Course of the Civil War, he shows how small events added up to lead to the Battle of Antietam and ultimately to the North winning the Civil War.
Lee’s strategically placed troops. Early in the morning with darkness and fog surrounding the soldiers, the attack began. The Union corps assembled a 7 mile long line and advanced. As the confrontation started the Union's corps began to get separated and confused by all of the heavy vegetation and swamplands, losing contact with each other. At this point Lee’s army was able to annihilate the Union troops because of his angled lines of troops.
Not only did Lee lead by providing purpose, direction, and motivation but General Lee also accurately assessing the battle. “Commanders continuously assess the situation to better understand current conditions and determine how the operation is progressing. Continuous assessment helps commanders anticipate and adapt the force to changing circumstances.” Lee assumed risks, such as invading with an inferior force, knowing that his generals were capable of carrying out his plans. With extensive information about the enemy’s size and whereabouts, he could accurately assess the risks.
According to historynet.com, Lee and his army had the confidence and courage to beat their adversaries and that’s what brought them to victory. Lee and his army stopped many tries from the Union to take over the Confederates Capital. He had a plan to receive victory against the
The Battle/Siege of Vicksburg The Battle of Vicksburg was one of the most crucial points in the Civil War. It helped Eradicate the Rebels/Confederacy once and for all. The Civil War was fought for over 4 years and it lasted from 1861-1865. It was one of the most horrific wars the world has ever known and witnessed.
The first major battle of the American Civil War is known as the First Battle of Bull Run. The battle took place approximately 25 miles from Washington D.C. near Manassas Junction, Virginia on July 21st, 1861 (First Battle of Bull Run, 2011). The battle was between the Union Army, troops from the North and the Confederate Army, troops from the South. This battle revealed, “the war would not be won by one grand battle, and both sides began preparing for a long and bloody conflict” (Ballard, 2007, p. 46).
What led to this battle, was General Robert. E. Lee, was leading his army to Pennsylvania, to try to gain a food advantage over the North. Unbeknownst to both sides, this would be the first battle in the North. Lee had hoped that with a northern victory, external countries would view the south as an organized country, and not a group of “rag tag bandits”, as some northerner’s called the south. He also hoped that a northern victory would finally make the Union allow the South to become its own country.
‘Antietam In The Civil War’ September 17,1862 by was about the fight that aganist the north and south in Sparburg,Maryland. After Union General McClellan failed to invade Richmond,Virignia,as a result he then threaten Washington DC.Confedertae General Lee sperated his army at the Pennsylvania boarder to protect contact with Virgina. After Lee lost his marching plans McClellan found them and had the advantage for sometime. However all this violence killed over 5000 people. The south managed to outsmart the North’s first line and got the victory.
There on September 14, at Turner's, Fox's, and Crampton's gaps, Lee tried to block the Federals. But because he had split his army to send troops
The Battle Of Antietam was the battle that issued Lincoln’s Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation speech, the battle lasted September 16th to 18th. On September 16th 1862, General Lee had many plans as to what he wanted to do in this battle such as seize the railroads to isolate the town, after that he wanted to march to Pennsylvania he wanted to put war on them and for Lincoln to surrender. After, Lee was getting to the border of Pennsylvania he stopped his army and divided them into two groups for them to go to Harper Ferry which was a good move as he knew his opponent was overly cautious. McClellan wouldn’t know that Lee had divided his army but if he did he was too slow to react.
The Battle of Antietam, also called the Battle of Sharpsburg, happened on September 22, 1862, at Antietam Creek near Sharpsburg, Maryland. This battle now known as the bloodiest day in United States military history saw a great loss of life on both sides of this divisive conflict, however the union was able to find a positive after this day filled with death and destruction. During the twelve hour affair there was a casualty every two seconds resulting in Twenty three thousand soldiers dead or wounded which is four times the American casualties on D-Day. The confederacy was content knowing that they lost a few thousand less troops, but regarding it as a simple win for the south discounts the overarching affects the battle had on the war as
Lee was so fearless he determined to invade the North reiteratively. Robert E. Lee strategy was to drift the fighting away from Virginia and into the Union Territory. He wanted to move the fighting, because the Confederate were under siege in Virginia. Lee hoped to gain recognition from Britain and France for the Confederacy. Joesph Hooker,the Union commander, was exposed to the worst defeat of the Army of Potomac in the Battle of Chancellorsville.
Lincoln called for 500,000 troops on both sides settled for a long battle. Abraham surprised a lot of people by proving to be a more than a capable wartime leader. He learned quickly about strategy and tactics in the early years of the Civil War, and choosing the best commanders. General George McClellan continually frustrated Lincoln with his unwillingness to advance, and when McClellan failed to see Robert Lee’s retreating Confederate Army in the outcome of the Union victory at Antietam in September 1862. Antietam is a creek of north Maryland emptying into the Potomac
The most important battle during the Civil War was the Battle of Gettysburg. This was a battle that took place over three days in the small Pennsylvania town of Gettysburg on July 1, 1863. This battle was the turning point of the civil war which successfully stopped the Southern Confederate Armies led by General Robert E. Lee from taking over the north. The Battle of Gettysburg was the most important battle of the Civil War because it was the largest of the civil war battles, successfully pushing back southern armies away from the north, and was the major defeat of the south. The battle of Gettysburg is still considered to historians to not only be the most important battle of the Civil war but the deciding factor towards victory.