In June of 1775, 2,400 British soldiers met 1,600 militia members at Breed 's Hill. While the battle took place at Breed 's Hill, it 's famously called the Battle of Bunker Hill. In the middle of the night the militia members quietly set up at at Breed 's Hill. This forced the British to battle uphill. While it seems like the colonists had all the advantages, they ended up losing because they were extremely low on ammunition.
Then, George Washington started to move his army south towards Yorktown. The Americans surrounded the British at Yorktown and French naval ships filled the Chesapeake Bay so the British ships could not save the stranded British. The British and Americans fought for weeks.
The Battle of Lundy’s Lane was fought in the evening of July 25, 1814. Major General Jacob Brown learned the whereabouts of the British and sent General Scott and approximately 1080 American troops to attack. Over the course of battle, both sides were reinforced with more soldiers, both fought for the possession of a critical hilltop position. The British and Americans fought at close range as night fell.
The Battle of bunker hill was fought June 17, 1775. The battle really didn't occur at bunker hill a reporter reported it wrong it really occurred at breed's hill. The battle started when british sent troops to Boston. Americans set up a militia with over 1000 soldiers to fight the british at bunker hill. What's very significant about this battle is that it was the start of the revolutionary war.
Michael S. Korwan LT. Nann NVSC 102 Sea Power & Maritime Affairs- Spring 2017 21 February 2017 The Battle of the Capes Americas revolution was starting to dwindle. After the battle of Saratoga in 1777 and the surrender of Burgoyne on October 17th to the colonies militiamen, things drastically changed in favor of the Americans. The victory of the Americans sounded throughout the globe.
The Siege of Yorktown, or Battle of Yorktown, was the last major land battle of the American Revolutionary War. The Americans, led by General Washington, allied with the French, led by General Rochambeau, defeated the British who were led by General Cornwallis. This conflict, which took place in Yorktown, Virginia in the fall of 1781, was an American victory after they forced the surrender of General Cornwallis. His surrender at Yorktown was one of the greatest contributing factors that prompted Great Britain to negotiate a resolution to ending the war. The British Army under the control of General Cornwallis arrived at the Yorktown port along the Chesapeake Bay in June of 1781.
The Battle/Siege of Vicksburg The Battle of Vicksburg was one of the most crucial points in the Civil War. It helped Eradicate the Rebels/Confederacy once and for all. The Civil War was fought for over 4 years and it lasted from 1861-1865. It was one of the most horrific wars the world has ever known and witnessed.
Battle of Camden The Battle of Camden was fought on the morning of August 16, 1780. It was a battle between the British and the Americans. Major General Horatio Gates was the American Commander and Major General Charles Cornwallis was the British Commander. The Americans had 3,052 troops versus the British who had 2,240 troops.
Due to there being no boats left since the British destroyed them, the British would have to wait for there to be ice to try and cross the river, thus putting distance between the two. Around that same time, John Honeyman, a loyalist butcher who was actually an American spy, was captured in New Jersey and sent to Pennsylvania to be interviewed by Washington. Honeyman revealed that Sir William Howe, the British commander had called of Cornwallis' troops, instead taking quarters on Manhattan Island and Staten Island. This information helped Washington as Honeyman went back to Trenton and told Colonel Johann Gottlieb Rall that the Americans were incapable of attack (Battle of Trenton, para. 2). On Christmas day of 1776, the Continental army made their way towards Trenton to strike the British and Hessian mercenaries under darkness, but due to weather conditions, they were not able to ambush until around 8 am.
Wednesday August 16, 1780, history changed, and it all started by a collision in the woods. They called this history changing battle the Battle of Camden. The Battle of Camden played a big role in the American Revolution. Although the battle wasn’t in great favor of both sides. The battle of Camden was one of Britain’s most important battles of all the American Revolution.
In Cedar Creek on October 19, 1864, Confederate Jubal Early planned an attack on the Union’s Ulysses S. Grant and his army. They immediately planned a counter attack. on the Confederates. After hours of fighting many soldiers had been killed, injured, or had gone missing. Using strategic attacks each commander fought their hardest but in the end only one side could win.
Battle of Stony Point Stony Point is a rocky promontory that juts about a half mile into the Hudson River about seven miles south of West Point. It, and another small fortress across the river at Verplanck’s Point, effectively controlled the King’s Ferry crossing site. Only lightly fortified by the patriots, both sites were attacked and captured by the British in late May of 1779 and heavily fortified. Due to having three sides protected by water and steep cliffs, Stony Point was believed impregnable when properly fortified and manned with an adequate force.
The Battle of Gettysburg was a three day fight in which an estimate of 51,000 soldiers were killed in total, but besides all of the casualties, what else makes this battle special? The Battle of Gettysburg was a huge factor in the abolishment of slavery. It is one of the most important battles because it created new war strategies and was the turning point in the Civil War, which led to the Gettysburg Address. The Confederate general, Robert E. Lee, was very confident because of his army utmost victory.
The Battle of Hastings, October 1066 William had assembled a huge invasion fleet. This may have initially been gathered on the River Dives and at St Valery but by 25 September it was moored at St Valery waiting for a southerly or easterly wind. In the last week of September William got that wind, and William gave the signal for his fleet to set sail. It would take two days for the fleet to be in sight of the south coast of England and four to five hours longer before his navigators pointed out the safe haven of Pevensey which the duke had chosen as the best landing place for his invading fleet.
The Gospel of Luke A parable is a short story illustrates truth, in which they teach morals. Jesus used to teach his disciples in parables, because they are memorable, meaningful, and it was a common way in Judaism. Others might think that The Gospel of Luck is just a religious book, administrating the relationship between God and human. It provides a perfect method in how to live our lives. Although, the parables in The Gospel of Luck have been taught to a specific people in a specific time, they still live until our day because of their techniques, meanings and emotions.